Chapter 105-First Mistletoe Kiss

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"That's awesome, Tyson! We can't wait to see you!" I exclaim excitedly, smiling widely at the Cyclops, he smiles kindly at me, we continue talking about the war preparations and the cool things we would do once we were together in the summer, but, I hear a booming voice snap at him, the voice shaking my core and making me flinch at the harshness of it, yells for Tyson to get back to work, he smiles at us though, bidding a goodbye and a gentle smile to me before ending the message "I like him" I state, Percy gasps, feigning a heartbroken hue. "Pearl Flame! I feel so betrayed!" He exclaims with fake anger, his grin giving it away, I roll my eyes at him "sorry, he has a prettier eye" I snort, we both burst out laughing, Percy digs out, yet another, drachma and throws it in the water, mist immediately forming for it, I smile at him and walk to his side, letting him kiss my temple "Sally Jackson, upper East side Manhattan" he tells the mist, almost immediately the mist shows Percy's mom, but she wasn't alone, she was sitting and holding hands with some guy I hardly knew. "Who's that?" I ask "Paul Blowfish, he's a.... Friend of my mom's" Percy tells me immediately, muttering the last part in anger, my mind drifting off to someplace else, really?, I question, is that really his last name? Blowfish?, I almost snort at the thought, Percy's eyes raged to seeing his mom holding hands with another guy, looking as if he wanted to end the call, but before he could, Sally turns to us, her eyes widen and she lets go of Paul's hand "Paul, you know what, I left my writing journal in the living room. Would you mind getting it for me?" She asks "ya, sure" he stands and immediately goes to get the journal, once he left the room, Sally's full attention was on both of us "Percy! Pearl! I'm so happy you guys are ok!" She exclaims, trying to keep her voice down from the other man in the house, her eyes sparkling with pure happiness "you two are alright, right?" She asks, we smile at her "were fine, mom" Percy answers for us, she then eyes the both of us, her eyes expecting something, Percy sighs and I blush, hard, he takes my hand and he pulls me in for a kiss. As soon as our lips touch, she squeals, trying to make sure it wasn't loud enough, the squeal matching the one from the goddess of love herself "I knew it!" She exclaims, her eyes just overflowing with joy and happiness, she turns to Percy "Percy Jackson, you better be good to her" she states, her voice stern, he blushes and I giggle at him, taking his hand and laying my head on his shoulder, he smiles and kisses my forehead once again "you guys are so perfect and cute together!" She exclaims. We smile and tell her all of what happened, when we finished though, she looked as if she was going to burst of pride and joy "I knew you guys could do it!" She exclaims "sorry if I caused some problems" I apologize, she smiles "none at all", but after that, an awkward atmosphere settles "well,we have to get going..." Percy trails "Percy" Sally sighs "me and Paul..." She doesn't dare finish "are you happy?" He asks, Sally shows shock to the question, but immediately, it fades "yes, Percy, I truly am happy. I am happy whenever I am around him" she answers with a statement, I almost awe at her sense for romance, but I restrain "as long as he doesn't hurt you, then it's cool, don't worry about me" Percy tells her, his voice sounding slightly distant and a little too ok with this "promise you won't call him, Mr. Blowfish?" She asks, he shrugs "maybe not to his face" he answers "I'm going to guess that his last name isn't Blowfish as you say, Percy" I finally speak, the atmosphere finally not awkward or tense, he smiles, chuckling as he slung an arm around my shoulders. "In my defense, his name is Blofis, which kinda does sound like Blowfish, I roll my eyes, but laughter couldn't help but escape my lips "Sally? Do you need the red binder or the green one?" Paul asks "I'd better go, see you guys for Christmas?" She asks "are you leaving blue candy in my sticking again?" Percy asks with a smile "as long as you're not too old for that" Sally smiles "I'm never too old for blue candy" he states, I couldn't help but smile at the bond that Percy had with his mom, wishing someday me and Persephone could have that kind of bond.

Percy's point of view
My eyes go to Pearl, seeing the loving smile on her lips, only, there was a sadness in her eyes, a small flicker of hope, I look to my mom, she notices too and nods with me, having the same idea "Pearl, have you ever celebrated Christmas?" I ask, her eyes show a distance "no... Hades was never a fan for joy and hope" she mutters with small anger, this only making my frown grow "Pearl? Why don't you stay with us for Christmas? To see what it's like?" My mom asks, Pearl shows her shocked eyes. I could easily see she didn't see that coming "I'd love to, but Persephone-" she was cut off "you can bring her too, the more the merrier!" My mom exclaims excitedly "it's about time we show you how it's really done" I state with pride of our Christmas, she giggles "well, if it's too much trouble-" she gets cut off again "never" my mom states with a smile, she smiles "I'm so in" she answers "yes!" I cheer, making my mom and Pearl giggle at my excitement, my lips longing to give her, her first mistletoe kiss.

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