Chapter 33-Danger

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"Oh" was all I could say "did she say anything?" She asks "yeah" I answer, for I knew immediately she was talking about Pearl "she said she was sorry, I did my best to protect her Persephone-" I start, only for Persephone to chuckle sadly, she knew Pearl would do this "it's her fatal flaw" she says "fatal what?" I ask "fatal flaw, everyone has one, Percy, even you, and it depends on that person if they find out what it is, that's why I believe you didn't make this whole thing up" she tells me. "Well, thanks for believing in me" I thank her, she nods before she stares at the picture "you know you haven't let her down" I tell her, she looks to me now "what do you mean?" She asks, I take out Pearl's necklace, it glowing in the palm of her hand, glowing a beautiful white, no sooner than I thought it glowed, it stops, making me think it was my imagination "she made a promise to me you know?" She starts, I knew, for I saw, she looks at the necklace. A look of longing on her face and in her eyes, she wanted her daughter back, and so did I, her eyes found mine "Percy, if there was a chance you could save Pearl would you take it?" She asks, I didn't even need to think for the answer, for I cared for Pearl more than my own life, and I answered just like I felt "I'll take the chance, even if I die" I answer unhesitantly, she gives me the faintest smile "not dying would be good for both of us" she smiles. I smile back, the door to the cabin opens, we turn around to see Ashley, her brown hair holding chunks of snow in it, her cheeks having a unhealthy rosy color to then, her skin pale white "Persephone! Persephone! Me and the Stolls fought the Ares kids in a snowball fight, and we won!" She yells with the biggest smile, the smile reaching her eyes and, if if her eyes weren't there, I believed strongly that the smile would go past them, Persephone laughs. "Ya and you're probably going to catch a cold, take off your jacket and get warm" she instructs, Ashley happily does what she's told as Persephone hands the necklace back to me "you're going to give it to her, when you find her" she says "and I will" I promise, she nods and I start to walk out "bye, prince charming!" She calls with a little wave for goodbye, I smile at her and wave back, walking away from the cabin and to my own, I walk into my cabin and start to get comfortable. When taking off my jacket I felt something in my pocket, I pull it out and notice it was a note, I unfold it and notice handwriting, Pearl's handwriting, we are all broken and filled with darkness, but it's that darkness that makes it easy for the light to come in, and for the broken to finally be healed, thanks for being my light, I love you, Percy, from Pearl, my eyes widen to the letter, my heart drops and does flips in my chest at the same time, I reread it, a sad and happy smile coming to my lips.

Persephone's point of view
When Percy left, Ashley came back into the room, her small body wrapped in warm blankets "is prince charming going to find Pearl?" She asks innocently, I haven't told her about what happened to Pearl, I didn't have the heart to, or the clear throat that I needed, but I guess she was smart enough to figure it out what happened to her "ya, he is" I answer not missing a beat "I like him" she says with her little smile, I smile at her and ruffle her dark brown hair "woah there missy. No dating until you're 30, you hear me?" I slightly joke, she giggles "can we build a blanket fort?" She asks, perfectly dodging my statement "sure, we got nothing else to do" I answer "yay!" She yells excitedly, running to her bunk to get pillows and blankets, I smile at her back, she reminded me so much of Pearl, I internally scoff, she even looked like her, coconut brown eyes and the same long flowing hair, parted the same way, eyes holding the neverending hue she had, gentleness and caring, never anything else. Always so innocent and cheerful, always knowing exactly what to do to make you feel better, even if all she did was smile, I went to Pearl's bunk to get her pillow and blankets, I pick up the pillow only to notice a note under it, with my curiosity, I pick it up and unfold it, immediately I see Pearl's handwriting, I wonder what this is, I say in my head and I start reading it, a mother's love is like a rose, always blooming, forever caring, always giving, always sharing. It has no boundaries, I love you, Mom, Pearl, I read, as soon as I read her name, tears come to my eyes, my throat fills with tears and clogs up, I hold the note against my chest, where most of the pain that needed healing was, my tear filled eyes go to the picture I was looking at earlier, I smile sadly at the picture of her and Percy "I love you too, Pearl" I whisper, my voice too clogged and tight for my voice to reach any volume higher than a whisper.

Percy's point of view
I hold the note to my chest and fall to the floor, my heart aching to what I had just read, my screaming hidden from the laughter and commotion coming from the rest of the campers and the game they were starting to play, I felt my chest ache, filling with a pain I had never known, the pain falters after a few moments of me being like that, my body curled due to the pain, tears streaming down my face "I love you too, Pearl" I tell the open silent space of my cabin, I see something out of the corner of my eye, Pearl's necklace, right at the moment my eyes find it it flashes it's purple color for a second, but I know what I saw, at least I think I did, but what Percy didn't know was that the necklace flashed because the girl he was falling in love with,was in danger.

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