Chapter 6-On The Inside

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The boy ran till he was next to me, I stopped to see what he was going to say, he looked at Chiron "I would like to take our new comer to her courters" he said "very well" Chiron said as he walked away "why would you want to take me to my new home?" I ask as I started to walk away "so I could talk to you" he said smartly as he stopped me "talk about what? There's nothing to talk about" I played off "how about your name?" He asks "Pearl Flame, you?" I ask as I held out my hand for him to take. "Percy Jackson" he said as he took my greeting "what else?" I ask "how about your powers?" He asks as we continued to walk in the warm late afternoon air "well, I was born with them, I could never control them, I only had one person who tried to help me, Persephone, she risked so much helping me" I said sadly "why did she help you?" He asks "we had something in common" I said as I stopped, a row of unfamiliar houses coming into view "what is that?" He asks stopping his walk. Only it stopped a few inches in front of me "we were both trapped with no way out, Hades was the only thing either of us had and he could care less about us" I said as tears filled my eyes "we had no one to help us control what most people hated is for, only each other, the only hope we had being stories of a day that someone was going to come to the Underworld and save us" I choked "even at that, that's all they were, stories, I spent years learning what I needed to know when the day came that I was free" I choked. "Yet... I'm free without the one person who cared for me" I said as my sad warm tears fell, he saw them, he carefully brought his thumb to my cheek and whipped the tears away, his finger giving me strange, yet lovely, goosebumps throughout my body "Persephone?" He asks, I nodded, his finger still lingering on my cheek "why don't you tell me about it?" He asks "maybe we should continue walking to my new home" I said "sure" he smiled. But as he did, I saw something in his eyes, a spark, one strong, yet hidden, in those eyes, all I could do was smile, we continued to walk "how about you tell me about yourself?" I ask "like what?" He asks "what powers do you have?" I ask "my father, he's Poseidon" he said "God of the Sea?!" I yelled, but when I tried hiding my amazement, he laughed "you know your greek history, and yes he's my dad" he chuckled "cool!" I exclaimed "so since he's my dad, I can control the water" he said as water filled his finger tips "even cooler!" I yelled as he chuckled to my excitement "what else!?" I ask excitedly.
(time skip, because why not?)
Me and Percy had walked the whole way to my house laughing and getting to know each other, happiness being in me for the first time ever, and maybe, just maybe, love, we had walked for awhile, but it was worth it, my feelings for him growing with every joke, every smile, with every laugh, the strange and mysterious feeling in my heart growing, we stopped on the doorsteps of my home, I leaned against it, my eyes staying on Percy's "well, I should get going, and you should sleep well. You have training in the morning" he said putting his hands in his pockets "ya" I said "goodnight, Pearl" he said "goodnight, Percy" I said, he turned away, but stopped a few steps away "hey, how did you beat Annabeth?" He asks "knowing Athena, you always have to be two steps ahead" I said "do you know how to best me?" He asks "yes" I said almost blushing "how?" He asks amused "you'll just have to find out" I answered smartly "I'll make that sooner than you think". He combatted "how are you so sure about that?" I ask amused "I have my ways" he said "I hope those ways are better than you trying to flirt with me" I said his face turning red when I reached that word "I'm just playing with you" I said "good" he said his face still red "I'll see you around?" He asks "probably... When I'm beating you" I said confidently "hey, anything to see you again" he said deeply, I rolled my eyes and closed the door, sighing lovingly to the sweet boy. I woke up, the warm sun spilling in my new room from a window, I got up and did my morning routine, my night making me refreshed from the long day, I went outside, a few campers already awake and starting training, I continued to walk until a hand caught my shoulder, I turned to see Percy, his eyes holding the spark I had seen before and his lips holding a friendly smile and glow to them "good morning, Percy" I said as I gave him a smile. "Good morning, Pearl, I hope you had a good night's rest" he said as his tone filled with a chippy mood "you seem happy today, why?" I ask "no reason" he answered quickly as his cheeks filled with a small blush "sure" I said as I gave him a smirk, we walked until we were met with the almost familiar clearing in the woods I was met with yesterday "we'll be training with your powers today, that way you can better control them" he said as a smile grew on my face for finally getting to control my powers. "But I won't go easy on you" he warned "I wasn't expecting you to" I said smartly "now, let's start" he said as he pulled a pen from his pocket, he clicked the pen, the pen instantly responding by elongating into a bronze sword, I did the same, my powers filling my hands, one hand having more unstable magic than the other, the magic mending into a firey sword, we collided, he instantly blocking my swings while I struggled to block his quickly. After every rest I had to regain my strength he gave me strategic advice, as the minutes pasted my footwork became smooth and quick, my sword blocking his swings, but he fought back, we collided again, but he pushed me against a near by tree, my emotions making my sword disappear as my body was held against the tree "I thought you were strong" he said as his face was a few inches away from mine "maybe you should pay more attention to what's on the inside" I combatted.

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