Chapter 54-Memory

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Pearl's point of view and dream
I woke up to a darkness, this darkness having the familiar embrace of the one that now called me daughter, his embrace surrounding me in a bad way, the darkness closing in and making me almost panic, it felt like I was the old, helpless and fearful me, the only part of me that could feel these emotions, tears brim my eyes in fear, these emotions dangerous for a girl that omly wanted evil and nothing else, my eyes snap up to find a light, it's orb being the only thing that wasn't darkness, I ran. Desperately trying to get out of the dark cloud and embrace of the one that took me in, I ran until my feet were ordered to stop, my feet finding the ledge of a mountain,the scene changing and voices were heard,to the curiosity that came to me in that second I look down, finding the faces and eyes of those that belonged to the voices, my eyes widen and almost fill with tears, I recognized none, but only one, hair as black as the night sky, eyes as blue as the sea, smile as bright as the stars, I saw Percy Jackson. I try making the slightest movement, only for my feet to have been planted in the ground by something, my brain and evil side wanting to go down the hill, run right at all of them and start fighting alongside them, but my feet didn't move, which made me groan in frustration, the dream turned dark faster than the girl dreaming this dream, Talos formed and started fighting against the ground of friends, making the run and scatter everywhere like ants on a anthill. I wish and wish for my feet to moce so I could help these strangers brain yells in this already escalating nightmare, I try moving my feet, only to find I could now move them, I take only one hesitant step, only for a familiar burden to weigh itself once again on my shoulders, my hair turning to a dead gray and my eyes seeming to lose their color to the little light, it was like a mirror had been placed in front of me. I look up and find the Titan's curse pushing me down, making my eyes widen in terror, my ears heard the screams, both masculine and feminine, screaming for my help like they knew I wad there, I try so hard and it only resulted in pain, the screams continuing, only to stop by, making my brain piece together what happened and play the scene over and over again unmercifully, tears leave the girl with emotions eyes, I look up to find a girl, her back to me, her hands in fists, her body stiff. Her hair long and dark, seeming so familiar that I wanted to yell out her name, but I couldn't, for I didn't know it, she runs, advancing on Talos, the image of their fighting playing for me, ignoring the many protests and yells from the strange and familiar group of behnd her, I yell for her to stop, not knowing why or how she was able to speak, soon, the gigantic and majestic giant stopped suddenly, all going quiet, anticipating what is happening, his limbs start falling off and he fell for the ground.
(End of dream)
"No!" I scream, waking with such a start it felt like my actual body had just ran for many miles, I quickly sat up in my bed, sweating and panting hard for the breath that wasn't exactly stolen from me, my eyes darting around to see where I was, only to find I was still in Luke's ship, I stay like that for a couple of minutes, telling myself over and over that it was just a dream, and dreams weren't real, I should know, I dreamt so many I lost count of how many didn't exactly come true. But my shoulders felt a sudden soreness, debating against my thoughts no matter how many times I told myself my statement, my eyes look to the window that was next to my bed, finding that the sun was nowhere to be seen, telling me that I had woke up really late or early, I plop my head back down in the warm and soft pillow, all emotions I once held gone like the ghost of emotion it was, my mind only feeling blankness and darkness, which was the usual. Only one question going through my mind, who's was that girl?, It echoes and echoes until it had even a clue to stoping, which, at this point, it seemed it wasn't, my mind tries figuring out the girl once again with more and more questions, where had I seen her before? Why do I feel like I've met her before? Why did she show up in my dream out of everyone else?, So many questions buzz making sleep already not even a possibility by the time I realize I should get sleep. My eyes stare at the ceiling, not knowing what to do since it was way too early and too late to do anything other than just lay there and wait for dawn to approach, a long and bored sigh escapes my lips, my head tilting to the side, only for them to catch something interesting, sitting right in my nightstand was a radio, it small but a very nice antique, a little yellow note sittin right above the switch buttons for the channel, I pull off the note and read it, hope you like my gift. I knew you couldn't survive without it, I read, smiling smally to the sweet and funny note he left, my eyes see the bottom of the note before I could do anything else, sorry about earlier, still want to know you, know you're enemy, but memorize friends, Luke, my smile grows slightly to the sweet message he gave me, my heart being moved from the small, yet, huge gesture, My eyes go to the radio after folding the note and putting it in my pocket, my fingers fidget with the radio, finding the perfect channel. You know, I actually don't remember why I loved listening to music, but I just did, and that I haven't done so in a long time, my mind trying hard to remember why I loved the flow of notes and the soft kiss of harmony from the violin or piano, or the rising and falling of volume, or the soft motion it would give me from a single note at a single volume adjustment, my fingers findthe perfect channel, a song from long ago coming and calling itself familiar to a blurry memory.

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