Chapter 55-Bullseye

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The lyrics, of the lyrics like the pages of a book, the book being written page to page about my life, the lyrics playing so beautifully, it was like a painting, it took only one moment, one, one swift and calming motion or moment to creat something from simple hues and mixtures of colors and values that seemed so simple and so ordinary one would easily misplace them or look past them without a second glance knowing that they were just so simple, but only one, one, just one out of the many people that lived and walked in this earth took second glances. They took two moments, two motions or movements, two precious breaths that were limited the day they took their first, they took two of every important and precious necessity like there was more to go around, they would paint witg the simple objects of some colors and simple places and paint swiftly, painting the lives, emotions, the feelings and pain they held or once felt, taking it upon themselves to display it for others to feel and see, lyrics, they were the simple colors to the painting of a song. I didn't know what it was, but it felt like the lyrics drained my emotions, for it felt depressing to listen to the lyrics, I stood, my eyes drooping, my body, along with my steps, were dragging and sluggish, I walk over to a mirror that was placed right next to the dresser, I sigh, my eyes staring into my reflection emotionlessly and almost with a dead expression, my hand slowly anf tiredly raises, resting against the mirror, my reflection mimicking my actions. My eyes soft with the hue of giving up and hurting, slowly mg eyes pooled with the tears of brokenness once again, but my breathing hitched, my eyes narrow out of seeing something wrong with the reflection, my eyes stare harder into the golden ones the mirror showed, my eyes blink, only a second of the change, but I saw it, my golden eyes turn to a unfamiliar and foreign from the usual golden hue I was used to seeing on my eyes, the hue was a coconut brown. The hue in itself deep yet so gentle, showing kindness yet strength in the simple hue, my eyes blink out of surprise and shock, disbelief filling me at what I saw, but once I blink again the hue disappears, without showing the slightest clue of it ever being there before, showing no change had ever happened when I saw it with my own eyes from the reflection, I sigh, not really wanting to waste my brain and time trying to figure it out, I decide to just walk around the ship, not knowing what else to do. I walk out of my room, the air fron the empty halls hitting my skin almost unmercifully, the air cold and bitting at the bare arms I had, but not a shiver escapes me, for this was a cold I was used to, I called it beyond familiar, which confused me so, but I didn't question it, I walk out onto the top deck, the warm air from the night soothing the slight and small chill the hallway gave me, the wind soft yet so warm, the night noiseless, not a single creature that played in the night made a single sound as I walked around. The clouds retreating far away and the stars shining light spotlights from the heavens when not blocked "the darkest hours produce the brightest lights" I mumble to myself, not having anyone else listen to what I had to say, I never heard anyone say such a thing to me, but it escaped me like it was once mumbled or spoken deeply from the lips of someone once dear or the lips of someone that was held in the memories that faded slowly each and every day away from me. Farther and farther until I could not even graze them, I gave up trying to figure things put or the memories in themselves, not really going anywhere with them after the countless times of trying to take them apart and figure them out, like the pieces of a puzzle, the pieces numberous and plentiful, so many pieces that one would easily get confused and lost in where to start or where ones finshes, much like the memories, this figuring out took a lot of energy, and often made me angery. Only knowing so little, only knowing what the spell Kronos put on me and nothing more, nothing less, nothing, just my name and some bits of my past, how cruel my childhood was, how evil my so called father was, how many times I wished to be free, how much pain I had felt even when I was in the camp the traitor called Percy Jackson lived and called home, but, I wished to know more, like why I hated him so, was I alone when I was being slowly killed by Hades. And so began the frustration of not knowing so many things that were so important, such anger and hatred to the one called Kronos for not letting me have some more piece of information that way I could finally be rid of all the questions that made me want to change back to who I used to be, the innocent yet so naive girl that thought everyone deserved what she was never given, so many chances, but those chances got outweighed. So many questions, but curiosity killed the cat, so I push the thoughts of questioning away and walk to the training deck, locking the doors so she could have some privacy, I walk slowly, my eyes watching my weapon as if it were to disappear at any point of time that my eyes moved or blinked away from it, I pick up the bow and notch an art into it, steadying myself to the right stance, breathing in slowly as I vlose my eyes, letting the arrow fly and strike the target, bullseye.

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