Chapter 38-Get Her Back

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With the words I spoke, Annabeth takes the envelope, ensuring that I did not read further, she opens the envelope, the only things in there being a letter and a brochure, Annabeth reads both "what is it Annabeth?" Grover asks, she looks at us, a look of unsureness on her face, she then looks back at the letters in her hand "I think Pearl was going to join the hunt" she tells us "what?!" Me, Grover, Thalia and Persephone yell, that's when it was my turn to take the letter and read it. Dear Pearl, please consider the offer I have for you, I do not do this to all the girls I ask, think carefully, again, consider the offer, lady Artemis, I read, my heart stops "she wouldn't join, would she?" I ask worriedly "I-I don't know, she wouldn't just join without telling us, or for good reason" Annabeth answers unsurely, tears brimming her eyes, as well as everyone else in the room, although doubt filled her answer, Annabeth had a point, Pearl wouldn't hide something as important as this from us. My mind goes to our dance at Westover Hall, she wanted to tell me something important, what if it was that she was joining the Hunt? This is not happening, my head denies my thoughts, a million questions and thoughts run like bullets through my head, what if what she told me wasn't true? Just a letter in case something were to happen to her? Nothing more than words? Nothing more than a goodbye? What if she only loved me in a way that was friendly?, Millions of these kinds of questions run through me. I run my hand through my dark hair, showing I was frustrated and slightly questioning the one I was falling for "are you ok, Percy?" Annabeth asks, clearly seeing my frustration, was I? The one I care for is missing, disappeared of the face of the earth, only to leave behind a note just for me, thanking me, telling me goodbye, telling me something that I have always wanted to hear from her, hear, not writing, only to find she might have not even meant it "I'm fine" I answer not off beat, walking away before they could say anything. Later on, I couldn't get my mind off of Pearl joining a eternal girl's club, was she really just going to join and leave camp, what about her friends? And those special few she called family? What about me?, I stopped walking to my head asking that question, was I really that unimportant to her?, That question makes tears brim my eyes, but I shake my head, denying myself and shaking those questions, putting them in the deepest and most scared part of my mind. Throughout the rest of the day I distracted myself with thinking up a plant to get Pearl back, I really wanted to ask Chiron, but I already knew he wouldn't yell me everything that I wanted to knowing, my mind then thinks up an idea, the attic, I tell myself, thinking of the possiblity, no one will be in there, maybe I can ask a certain someone and get some answers, my plan plays out in my mind, this could work, my mind tells me, my hand goes to my pocket as I walk to the door od my cabin "for Pearl" I tell myself as I walk out. I sneak past everyone outside, all I had to do was walk behind all the cabins, plus they all were too busy worrying about the next game of capture the flag, I then sneak past Chiron and walk up the stairs to the attic, the floors creaking and screaming to the weight of my body on them, I walk as quietly and quickly as I can, once up the stairs I release a sigh of relief that I didn't know I had held, my eyes scan the room, treasures littering the floor and shelves. The treasures growing the unsafe amounts of dust, clouding the once shining colors from the years of no usage, the treasures being from the previous quests, what I wouldn't give to show Pearl these treasures, for she was one too, a literal pearl, one that onky the best jewel finder could only dream of finding, but I found her, on mistake, never really telling her how I felt, never staring back at her with the same emotion, yet, she was a mirror, she could display any normal emotion, yet on her skin, on her face, it was so much more. How she brought me joy was incredible! She could walk into a room of strangers and evildoers with that smile abd make all their hearts melt to the sight of her smile, her eyes always showing the wonder she held for the stories that had so much history, you would think she would be bored with those stories, yet she treated them like candy and money, oh so precious she made them, I even found myself liking those stories I once found boring, she brought joy, in just the slightest way or action. My loving thoughts of Pearl were interrupted by the sound of a familiar whispering, the whisper slightly echoing on itself, the tone swooning anf mysterious, yet, I had no fear, for she and I knew each other,my eyes took in her once again from the gears I hadn't seen her, she was sitting right in front of a window, the slight from that window being the only light coming in and warming the probably freezing room, her figure shriveled and sitting limply on the chair, her back in a position that made me visibly cringe. Her dress faded from the years of her wearing it over and over again, the dress looking grey instead of a clean white, the dress making her look like a hippie, but I kept that to myself as I walked carefully to her, I was expecting her to do something, but she just sat there... Staring at me with her pupil less and colorless eyes, her eyes not even glowing, she made me really uncomfortable and nervous "um, hi, how's it going?" I ask, immediately regretting my words. She can't do anything if she's dead!, My mind yells at my mouth, I can't believe I just asked that!, I yell at myself as I mentally facepalm, she stays in a unnerving and creepy silence that makes me shiver, so, I decide to get straight to the point "I have to know something and I need answers" I tell her, she stays so quiet I actually believed she was really a dead mummy instead of a Oracle "how to I save Pearl? How can I get her back?" I ask.

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