Chapter 13-Always

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I looked at Percy's father with side eyes "you're going to introduce me to them ?" I ask "yes, I think it's time you meet the family you were supposed to have" he said kindly, I couldn't bottle my feelings, I ran to him and threw myself in his arms, tears leaving my eyes for finally seeing the home I never had "thank you" I whispered, he was surprised at my fast hug, but soon he gave into me, wrapping his big arms around my small body, tightly hugging me back, him chuckling to my sweet hug. "Now let's go, you have a family to meet" he said "can Percy, Annabeth and Grover come with me to meet them?" I ask as I take Percy's hand "of course, the more the merrier" he answered happily "can Persephone come?" I ask almost hesitantly "sure" he answers with a grumble "now, you might not see Zeus, but you can still met the others" he said as he lead us to the gods, them being at the camp line ready to leave, but with took a look at my clothes Poseidon stopped. "If you are to meet the gods you must dress accordingly" Poseidon said gently "I think I can take care of that" I said as all attention pulls to me, I let go of Percy's hand, my hand filling with my magic, as my fire powers surrounded me to change me without anyone watching, my clothes from camp melting away into my new outfit, a firey orange, sleeveless dress, making the natural color of my lips stand out, my ponytail going lose and letting my long hair fall below my shoulders. It being combed out and smooth, the dress being held together by a small design at my waist, one that looked like it was made during real Olympian time, but so new, no one had thought to design, the dress almost falling to the ground, my powers making the top half of the dress wrap around my body perfectly, while the rest of the beautiful dress flowed below my waist, it looking like my dress was made of fire itself, while my wrist held bracelets from those peaceful times. My shoes going from my camp running shoes to black high heel boots, ones that only made it to my ankle, my powers subsided, the surrounding powers I had left my body once I was finished, making me look like I just changed my whole look in a few seconds "would this do?" I ask as I twirl once, the dress flowing as I turned, all eyes looking at my dress, Annabeth looking at me in wonder and satisfaction, Grover's eyes not leaving my figure in the dress. But I only cared for only one person's reaction, I turned to see Percy, his mouth dropping to seeing me, but once his eyes found mine a smile fell on his lips, making my smile appear, Poseidon coughed, making all attention leave me, which I was slightly thankful for "that's perfect" he answers to my previous question "thanks" I said as he smiles at me sweetly, I continue walking, Percy's hand finding mine once again, I turned to find his eyes, his smile still in him. As we walk to the edge of camp, I can't help feel a sudden burst of nervousness, Percy felt my nerves spike up, for my hand tightened on Percy's "it's ok to be nervous" he soothed as my grip didn't loosen "what if they don't like me?" I ask, we both stop, letting the rest of the group walk on without us, he turns to me, eyes full of care and gentleness "they'll love you" he said as I stare into his eyes "how can you be so sure?" I ask bowing my head "because you have something they can only dream of..". He trails as I wait for him to finish, he gently lifts my eyes back up by my chin with his thumb "your pure heart and loving smile" he said romantically, making me blush "thanks, Percy" I said, but before he could say anything, I gently lean my lips into his, it being easy since I was already close to him, he seemed surprised at first, but eventually gave into my lips, finding the perfect sync to me, but with the call of Poseidon, he couldn't deepen the kiss, he separated from me. His eyes holding that same spark I loved "let's go, don't want you late for your first meeting with the gods" he joked as I laugh slightly, we walked to the group, hands combined lovingly "ready?" Poseidon asks me "ready" I answered confidently, he smiles at my confidence and stands in front of me while all the gods turn to him and the group, not seeing me or Persephone "Poseidon" Zeus thunders, the said God walking to his leader. Them all being normal sized humans and all wearing different clothes and yet they stood close and not far from each other or their kids "you brought your son?" Zeus asks "I brought one of our own" Poseidon answered, making all the gods stare at Percy "how is your son one of us?" Zeus asks "not my son... Persephone's daughter" he answered as he moved to reveal me right behind him, a gasp going through the camp and the gods, all their eyes landing on me and Persephone. Who was to my left while Percy was on my right, still holding my hand "Persephone?" Zeus asks with a gasp "hello, Zeus" she said softly "were you the one who did this?" He asks as he gestures to the mostly burned camp "yes" she answered "I'm sorry" he said, as my face finds Percy's, both holding confused looks "for what?" I ask turning to Zeus, him looking at me like I was a miracle, but a smile went on his face "are you Persephone's daughter?" He asks amazed. "Yes" I answered as all gods showed amazement to me being alive "to answer your question, lass, I- We are sorry for not trying to save you from my brothers wrath" he said gently "how did you survive, flower?" Hera asks "Persephone kept me going, but mostly it was the stories of you guys" I answered, I saw all their faces melt to sweet smiles "why don't you come with us, flower?" She asks "to Olympus?" I ask happiness coming to my tone. "Yes, you and Persephone can live with us, and help us rule over the people of this world" she said gently, but my smile and mood left me for the thought of leaving camp "go, Pearl" Percy said seeing my change in feelings "what about camp Half-blood?" I ask as I gave him "you guys have been so good to me, I don't want to leave you" I said sadly hanging my head "hey.." he soothed, lifting my chin so my eyes could meet his "it doesn't matter where you go, who you are, or what you do, you will always be a camper, and we will always be with you" he said gently as tears formed in my eyes "always?" I ask "always" he answered.

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