Chapter 92-Once More Held

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I kneel next to her already weakening figure, kneeling on only one knee, I hold up my hands and touch the cold, heavy clouds of the sky, for a moment, it was just us, holding it together, even with her, it was the heaviest thing I've ever held, but, taking a deep breath in, I calm down my already worried heart, I can do this, I tell myself, encouraging me slightly for the hard and possibly fatal action, for camp, for the world, for Pearl, with my last words of encouragement said, I feel Artemis slip out from underneath the burden, somehow knowing that I was ready. I could try to describe what I felt, but if I did, it would only paint an ugly picture in your mind's eyes, every fiber and muscle in my body felt like it was on fire, my bones felt like they were melting, I couldn't even find the strength to open my mouth and raise my voice in a call of pain, and so, I began to sink, just like my hope, slowly to the ground, feeling my knees sink into the hard ground, fight back!, I hear a voice cheer me on, knowing it was Grover's, don't give up!.                    

Pearl's point of view
I try looking out towards the battlefield, but something with the tainted scarlet blurrier my vision, blood, my blood, my brain gasps, I slowly get up, ignoring my screaming sides and fragile ribs, thinking at least four or three were broken, but there was no time to heal myself, plus, I was way too weak to even think about the use of my powers, so, I just whipped the blood away from my eyes and ran back into battle, but what surprised me was Artemis, fighting Atlas?, My brain questions. But if Artemis is there then who-?, My thinking is stopped mid-thought, because as my eyes trailed to Artemis's once prison, my eyes find the one who took her place, Percy, I ran to him, my physical state making my run more like a urgent hobble, not wanting him to feel the utter physical drainage that holding the sky could do to you, taking a step and inviting the bloody spots and screams my legs left behind, I didn't care, I wasn't going to let him do this by himself, not while I'm alive. "Percy!" I exclaim, making it to him hy some miracle, I lower myself to his already low height, taking his face gently and holding his cheeks so his eyes could look at mine, his eyes showing tiredness and hurt, the hue widening as he saw my worse bloody state, a single strand of grey sticking out from the long sea of black and perfect hair, he tries speaking, but his voice was too weak to form any words, his eyes showing he desperately needed to speak to me. Knowing what he wanted to say with just the look of his eyes "I won't ever leave you again" I tell him sternfully, yet gently, getting my message across "you helped me, my water boy, so let me help you" I plead softly, not wanting him to hurt himself, he doesn't answer, the weight growing heavier for him, he scoots over slightly, leaving an empty space for me, I smile sadly and slide next to him, my fingers grazing the cold barrier of clouds and the sky once more. Holding such a burden together, but, as moments pass, this was only weakening, I could barely lift my head to see what was happening to my family, blood and sweat mixing all over my face, if my ribs or my body weren't broken before, they were surely broken now, I was so weak I was on the verge of passing out before I hear a voice softly talk to me in my mind, the voice frightening me, for I thought it would be Kronos once more, but no, it was my aunt, Artemis, speaking softly. Get ready, she tells me, for what?, my mind questions, but this was yet another question left unanswered, it took all my strength to lift my head and look at what was going on, Artemis was leading Atlas back towards us, my mind knowing what Artemis was trying to do "you fight well, girl" he growls, but then laughs historically "but you are not match for me" he grins like a madman, he feints the tip of his javelin, Artemis dodging quickly. But she was not fast enough, for the javelin hit her legs, sending her toppling over to the ground, seeing victory, Atlas raises his javelin, readying for the final blow and the kill "NO!" Zoe yells, jumping between Atlas and Artemis, desperately trying anything, she loads an arrow quickly, using her only chance, she launches it through the air, letting it fly to the Titan's forehead, he yells in pain, pushing Zoe away with the quick and sharp swipe of his big hand, sending Zoe flying into some bushes. His full attention went back to Artemis, triumph and victory in his eyes, Artemis struggles to getup, failing and hissing her pain that was caused when she moved "the blood of the first war" he floats, raising his javelin, but as fast as he could think of the action, Artemis was way faster and smarter, grabbing the javelin before it could hit her, hitting the ground next to her instead, she pulls it backwards, making it seem like an overly large lever, she kicks Atlas, sending him flying over her. Percy and me loosening our hold on the sky, and right on time too, for Atlas slams into us, we gratefully let him push us, taking our place as we now lay sprawled out on the ground, him holding the burden once again "NO!" He yells so angrily and loudly it shook the whole mountain "NOT AGAIN!" He denies desperately wanting it to be true, Percy was the first to get up, easily healing, he helps me up too, putting my arm around his neck and his own around my waist, my body once more held.

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