Chapter 16-Westover Hall

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"Hello, Thalia" I say as I give her a friendly smile "hello, Pearl, so good to finally meet you" she says as she holds out her hand, I take it "why? Because I'm Percy's girlfriend?" I ask, she laughs "no, it's because Percy can't stop talking about you" she giggled as I giggled with her "he talks about me?" I ask "non-stop" she laughs "how long have you been at camp?" I ask "a few months" she answers as I turn to give Percy a glare "and how come I am just meeting her?" I ask him "well, you and I barely knew each other. Plus I never got the chance to introduce you to her because of all the craziness that just happened" he explained, I sigh "don't be mad at me" he pouted a cute face, I gave him a hard glare, but my glare melted into a smile as I slowly gave in "ok, fine, I'm not mad" I give in, he instantly changes his face to a happy one "you just have to be so cute" I whine "only if it's for you to fall for me" he says smugly, I roll my eyes "anyway, I'll show you around, Thalia" I say. We both walk out of the house, I showed her the training area, Annabeth having her daily fighting, and winning, I showed her the area where we all ate, I even showed her the lake and all the rest of camp, knowing she would want to see it all "wow" she says breathless as we stand at my house, overlooking the lake of camp "ya, I never get used to the sight" I say staring at it too "like how you never get used to Percy and his playful flirting?" She asks as I snap my eyes to her. "How did-" I start "it's quite obvious" she says "how obvious?" I ask my face turning red "at the part where you instantly give into him" she answers as the red on my face only get darker, this making her giggle "don't worry, you guys are cute together" she says, making my blushing worse "so, do you know who your parents are?" I ask, changing the subject "yes, actually..." She trails, I wait for her to continue "my father is Zeus" she says as my eyes widen "wait, if your Zeus's child... Then..". I trail "I'm the one that sacrificed herself for the well being of Half Bloods" she finishes "wow" I say breathless "what?" She asks "my mom told me all about those stories, in fact, it's what made me have hope in leaving the place I was trapped in" I tell her "who's your mom? Where were you trapped?" She asks "I was trapped in the Underworld with Hades" I answer as her eyes show sorrow "and my mom's Persephone" I answer, only for her eyes to widen. "So, you're the Lost God" she says amazed "well, I like the term 'god in residents' but ya" I answer "wow" she says still amazed "and you're dating Percy?! The only son of Poseidon?! Who is a brother of the Big Three?!" She asks "ya, but just don't treat me or look at me like I am that" I say "oh, don't worry, I'll treat you like a normal girl" she says smiling "if by normal, you mean, a girl with powers and almost related to every important God, then yes please" I beg. "I promise, why don't me and you go train, I'm sure you should know how to use a sword" I suggest "I would love to train with you!" She exclaims excitedly "then get a sword and be ready to learn" I say with a warm smile, she smiles back just as warmly and runs to get a sword, only for me to feel arms wrap around my waist, I quickly take hold of the arms and pick them up and over my head, making the person land in front of me with a grunt. Only for me to see it was just Percy "if you didn't want me to hug you, you could've just said so" he jokes "OMG, Percy, I'm sorry" I say as I lend him a hand, he takes it and I help him up "next time don't scare me like that" I say crossing my arms and facing away from him, only for me to feel his hands snake around my waist once again, his face at the side of mine, so every time he spoke, his breath hit my neck "but then how would I be able to be next to you without you knowing?" He asks. "That's the point" I tease, but with one kiss on my cheek, I instantly melt to him "why do you have to be so romantic?" I ask "just want you to feel like the queen you are" he says romantically, he starts to leave small kisses along my neck, but before he could go further Annabeth comes running to us, the look of panic all over her face, which was a mystery in itself, Percy stopping his kissing but still holding onto my waist possessively. "Annabeth, what's wrong?" I ask almost worried, she stopped right in front of us "it's Grover... He's in trouble" she says as me and Percy instantly start to worry, I felt Percy's hands grip tighter around my waist and look at her with frightened faces "we have to save him, where is he?" I ask quickly "he's at Westover Hall, it's a place where mostly humans go, but Grover went to go see if and Half Bloods were there" Annabeth answers while explaining "I'll call my mom so she can drop us off there" Percy says. "And I'll tell Chiron that we're leaving" Annabeth says as I fell eyes on me, my head lowered when I heard Grover was in trouble "Pearl?" Percy asks "I'll get ready and make sure to ask if anyone wants to go along" I say "ok, we'll meet up at the camp barrier, bring only the essentials and nothing more, and Pearl" Annabeth says before me and Percy walk off "only one more person can come" she says, I nod, knowing just the person who I happened to know was ready for a mission, a mission to Westover Hall.

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