Chapter 85-Dangerous Look

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"As I was saying, in the first war Othrys was blasted to pieces" she continues, my eyes looking upon hers with the shock and fear she had given me, Thalia picks away the rubble "it's almost like those Olympus movies, it always lives off of the edge of civilization, but for it to be here and on a mountain alone is not good" Thalia's voice laces with concern "why?" I ask, not seeing any harm in it "this is Atlas's mountain, where he holds, or, where he used to hold, the sky". She answers, my eyes widen at the fact that the sky could be held by another, but hope and joy filled me, for we had made it to the summit, grey and menacing cloud swirling not in the sky, but rested roughly and heavily on a teenage girl with auburn hair and a gathered silver dress, her hair frizzy and knotted to no end, her clothes torn and her exposed skin holding so many bruises, her feet chained, ankoring her to a rock, Artemis, my mind gasps, our feet rooted in fear and realization to the horror of the Artemis in front of us. My dreams portrayed a cavern or the roof of one anyway, but instead, the roof of the cavern, it was the room of the while world "my lady!" Zoe exclaims, rushing to be by her side "no! Don't! It's a trap!" She yells painfully, the weight of the sky being too much for her, tears fill Zoe's eyes to seeing her best friend and leader like this, but, against Artemis's protests, she runs to her side, tugging on the chains, but they barely flinched "oh, how touching" a voice mocks. Slowly, we turn around, my eyes widen once I find the ground in front of me, the General was standing there with a prideful face, his eyes mocking us, wearing his silk like suit, by his side was Luke, his eyes staring coldly into mine and about half a dozen of dracaenae who carefully laid down their leader, Kronos, his sarcophagus glowing brightly to seeing us, but then, my breath hitches, my eyes widen and I restrain a swoon, there, standing by Luke, was Pearl. Her eyes staring into mine with a black expression, she was wearing a purple short sleeved shirt, black pants, lace up boots and battle armor, everything fitting her very slim and perfect body with just that, perfection, the thing is, this was Pearl, yet, it wasn't, she didn't have that spark in her eyes, showing she wasn't happy, her gaze as cold as stone, and her eyes, they were golden, so golden the stars would have trouble matching them, her hair no longer the beautiful and pure coconut brown, but deathly and mysterious black. But, in her hair lay a piece of grey, showing and proving she had survived the Curse Of The Titan, the words Zoe and Nereus had words matched her real look to a T, and judging from the looks she was giving only me in the whole group, she was being controlled by Kronos, knowing instantly that she didn't want to see me and wasn't happy at all that I was there, but I was there, I didn't flinch to her stare, for I will get her back, I knew her too well for her to just give into something so easily. So, no matter what stood in my way, even if it was the very same girl I was trying to save, I will help her out of this, I know she's in there somewhere, somewhere deep down "Pearl?" Thalia's voice brings me back into the situation, my stare determined from my little pep talk to myself, Pearl looked away from me, flashing Thalia a small glance, not doing anything but that "good to see you again, Thalia Grace" her voice monotone and her face emotionless "unlike Percy Jackson" she added as a mutter under her breath. "What did they do to you?" Thalia's voice laces with anger and softness at the same time, before Pearl could answer, Luke interrupted "we only helped her, we didn't want to hurt her, she is our friend after all" Luke smirks knowingly, Thalia glares at Luke, hating with passion "so much for old friends" the General chuckles darkly, his eyes go to Zoe "and Zoe, how are you? How is my little traitor?" He smirks darkly "don't challenge him!" Artemis begs. "Whatever you do, don't challenge Atlas!" She exclaims, my eyes widen "you're Atlas?" I ask with disbelief, he only briefly looks towards me "so, even the most dumbfounded heros can finally figure things out" he snaps, making my anger only grow "yes, I am Atlas, the general of Titans and the terror of the gods, congratulations, I would gladly kill you myself, but, I have to kill this wretched girl" Atlas sneers towards Zoe with nothing but hate "you're not going to hurt her, I won't let you" I sneer, protectiveness fueling me. "You have no right to interfere, dumb little hero! This is a family matter!" Atlas yells, but his last yell caught my attention "family matter?" I ask, echoing his words, Zoe looks down in shame "yes, Atlas is my father", my eyes find Zoe's, they then found Atlas's, my eyes seeing the close resemblance they held together "come on, Artemis, were leaving!" Zoe snaps, demanding the weak girl to move, Atlas walks over to them both, power in his stride, my eyes watching him slowly.

Pearl's point of view
I watched as Atlas walked over to the chained goddess,walking over with such a boast I power, asserting the dominance he did not have in any bone in his body "perhaps you would like to take her place?" Zoe's eyes contemplate "be my guest" Atlas sneers, knowing Zoe would do anything for the people she cared for, Zoe was just about to open her mouth "no! Do not offer, Zoe! I forbid you!" Artemis yells, knowing what Zoe was going to do, I stand silently, watching everything unfold, I feel eyes on me, when I look to my right I connect with Percy's blue eyes, his eyes staring with a spark I couldn't describe, while I stare with a dangerous look.

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