Chapter 40-Leaves

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The Oracle opened her mouth, abd out came the greenish blue mist that would speak and send images to the asker's mind, showing her voice was to come next after, the mist goes to the ground right in front of Zoe's feet, the mist swirling, turning in circles, making an invisible breeze chill fill the air, the image built itself up on its own, the image surging and shaping into the image, it was Artemis, still in her teenage form, chains cuffing her ankles and wrists, her skin paler than usual, her eyes locked onto what was in front of her. The enemy, my mind puts together those small and was pieces, but my thinking was snapped away with the sound of the Oracle's voice once again "five shall go west to the goddess in chains, but one will be lost in a land without rain, that bane of Olympus shows the trail, Hunter and campers prevail, The Titan's Curse one must withstand" she pauses, I could've sworn her eyes turned to me when she spoke "and one shall perish by a parent's hand" she recites her rhyme, leaving more chills. The campers started looking at everyone, their wyes holding worry as to who's parent will kill, whispering their thoughts, their conversations and whispers disappear from my ears, my eyes go to the mummy, her head turns and her eyes stare right into mine, telling me I was the only one that would hear what she had for me "to the son of the sea god, in your fatal flaw her name will ring, you will save the daughter of spring, but first you must overcome what has been done, for there is one that cares none. Good and evil must be apart, for her to finally be free from the dark" she recites, her words for me more confusing than the ones to Zoe, once those last rhyming words leave her mouth for me to hear, she lingers for the echo and the overlapping of her own words to disappear, her eyes staring straight ahead, but once the sounds of her stop, all the green mist goes back into her mouth, her eyes going back to the dead grey they once were. She then went to a nearby rock, sitting down as if she was there before and as if she was going to sit there for a thousand years, everyone releases a sigh of relief from her voice stopping the haunting echo it had, me and Grover got tasked to carry the dead mummy back up the attic, the weight nowhere in her limp body, after we got her there and walked quickly out, Thalia ran to us, her face showing panic and hurry, telling us to quickly go to Mr. D, since there was going to be a council meeting to talk about the prophecy. Me and Grover walk in silence, the Big House coming up quick and fast, we both stand outside the door, yells or arguments coming through the wooden door and to our ears, but once we open the door, the arguing stops immediately, all eyes going to us as the door, we walk in and take our seats, all camp leaders sitting around the table, Chiron and Mr. D sitting at the end of the table, overlooking everyone on the sides, my eyes see who's here as I sit, everyone was there, only one seat empty. The camp leader from the Ares cabin, even though most were injured during the game that had happened, one camp leader for every cabin, I sat next to Thalia and Persephone, both eyes not meeting mine when I sat down, I couldn't help but notice immediately the chair next to Persephone, the chair the same as ours, but it was Pearl's, the seat cold from not having any warmth applied to its soft cushion, the seat staying still, waiting for the girl who sat perfectly in it to do so. Only for disappointment to hit it, along with sadness and longing for the girl to come, my mind wonders to the image Pearl and the prophecy, my head trying to figure it out, only for an image of her to haunt and taunt at me for not getting anywhere with the pieces, but it was fine after awhile, the images making a small, yet loving smile tug on my lips, my attention goes back to the conversation once Thalia saud she wanted to go on the quest to find Artemis. "Woah, wait, I want to go" I say, making all eyes go to me, Zoe's eyes fill with that normal rage, no longer having vulnerability, fear, desperation or anything other than disgust and anger "absolutely not, I will not travel with a boy" she practically spits in my face, crossing her arms over her chest, asserting her statement and confidence "but you did when you came here" I snap back smartly "that was different, ordered by the goddess herself" she tells us "but I need to go on that quest". I tell her, my words spilling out of my mouth, leaving me no time to take them back "why? To save and be with thy lady friend Pearl?" She asks, her question makes everyone's eyes turn to me, my heart racing to the hard and accusing attention I was getting, I couldn't tell them about the prophecy that the Oracle told me, they wouldn't let me go if they knew, my mind races and pulls up happy thought to try and calm me down, I then try calming down with the thought of her. Speaking only once I was ready "one, I think it's only fair I go, along with Annabeth and Grover, she's done so much for us and we can barely go to save her when she needs it" I tell them, my answer deep, I could see grover and Annabeth stifling back tears and chokes, giving me nods of encouragement "plus, I have a feeling we should go" I add, ruining the moment of pure emotion "that ladt one isn't a good reason" she snaps, but before I could snap back, Chiron speaks. "This is about saving Artemis, I believe they should be the ones to choose their companions" he tells us all, but I knew he was talking to me specifically "what about Pearl?" I ask, anger trying it's best to fight through my calm and steady voice, my mind wondering if he had forgotten this was for Pearl too "Thalia and Grover will accompany Zoe, if you need reinforcements, feel free to send for some" he tells Zoe, he gives him an innocent smile "meeting adjourned" he announces, everyone leaves.

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