Chapter 46-Lustfully

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No sighs, showing I was right "I guess you're right" he deflates, showing no hope and utter sadness, he perks up as if he had something come to his amazed mind, his sadness melting away easily "but you could go right? You can just turn invisible and follow them right?" He asks, hope lighting up his big eyes, I stay quiet, debating whether or not to tell him "isn't that why you're here?" He asks, dang it!, My mind yells, I sigh "yes, that why I'm here" I answer "are you going to save Pearl?" He asks. "Yes, I have to, she means so much to me, I can't just stay here and do nothing" I answer like it was the most obvious thing to think about "well... Since I'm not going, could you look out for Bianca while you're there?" He asks, looking at me hopeful again, I stay silent "please, just make sure she's safe and protect her if you can" Nico begs softly, my eyes widen and tears prick my eyes to what he said, his begging matched Persephone's, her eyes visible in my mind. "I won't tell anyone if you promise to keep her safe" he debates, I debate in my head for a moment, I sigh, knowing he would run through camp, yelling I was going against everyone's wishes to save the girl I love "ok, I'll do my best" I agree, not really knowing why my mouth just said that when my head told it to do the opposite "thanks, and bring Pearl too, I'd like to neet the best friend of my best friend" he states sweetly, making a small smile appear on my lips. "You can count on me" I state, my tone overconfident "don't worry about Chiron, I'll make something up, now go!" He hurries, I nod and start running, putting on the cap as I run, making me magically disappear from head to toe, making it look so cool, making it look like I just fade into thin air, I run to the top of a hill, only to see the camp's van drive off, great, now how am I going to catch up with them?, My brain snaps ar me "need a getaway ride?" I hear a voice ask, I turn to see Blackjack, I smile and nod "let's fly" I state.

Pearl's point of view
My eyes don't see anything, nor do they try to open to see, but my ears hear the beautiful sound of crashing waves, my body feeling it being gently rocked back and forth, I hear the waves and how close they are to me, if only my eyes weren't so tired, my brains scolds and my droopy eyes, not quivering to open or help wake me up, so I lie on some soft and comfy object, a bed?, My brain questions my sense for feeling, my head laying of a lavender scented and plush, pillow?, My brain questions again. Not being able to resist the urge to look where I am, my eyes flutter away from the much wanted and needed sleep, my eyes open up to blurriness at first, but a few blinks of my eyes make the blurry vision I have disappear, my eyes widen at where I am, in a room, a room filled with the necessities, but everything painted ny favorite color, a dresser thst had the accents of white to the blue color, the handles and little designs on it white and matching the beautiful blue color. With four drawers, I get up and walk over to it, pulling all of them, only to find that they were all filled with different items, one for pants, all folded and perfectly my size, another for socks, all folded and put in their pairs, another with undergarments, all being my size, which made my mind race and my face heat as to how he knew what my size was, the final was for make-up, a white mirror sitting right on the top of the dresser, across from it's right side was a closet. The color almost matching pearl white, I open the closet, it having two matching double doors, opening away from each other, my eyes widen more, this was beautiful, in the closet were dozens of shirts, blouses, corsets, any cool sheaths for weapons, of course, all were going to match no matter what outfit I had, a cloak that was brown and green, perfect for blending into the surroundings of a forest, I go to the door, slowly creeping up to it abd turning the knob with silence full ease. I open it just a tad, only to see two monsters, both terrifiing eyes staring through the small crack I created, both growling as I open the door, I gasp and slam the door on their faces "great!" I yell, frustrated "just great! I've been kidnapped! Left alone with monster that want to kill me! And I have no weapons! Just another day in paradise!" I yell sarcastically since no one was around to hear me, I sigh and push myself off the door, sitting down, my mind knows exactly where I am. The princess Andromeda, Luke's boat!, My mind yells as I realize, not really knowing what else to do, I get up, walking over to the dresser and looking at myself in the mirror, my hair and clothes are a complete mess, which I really don't care right now since I've seen myself worse, I sit down carefully in the chair, my muscles so sore the reminded me of the time I trained with Clarisse for a whole day and couldn't move an inch the next. My eyes take in my features for the first time since this has happened, my face holding some cuts and bruises, but nothing major, nothing felt broken, just sore, I see a brush and couldn't resist, I take it and comb out my hair, but to find it held only a few knots, after combing my hair, I still gently stroke it, the notion calming me and helping me relax, I turn to my right to see some clothes neatly folded and waiting right next to me, I sigh and change, putting on a purple shirt sleeved shirt. Black pants and heelless boots, my thighs holding many sheathers for swords, raising my long hair loosely, my braid not moving the hair on the left side of my forehead, I sigh as I look at myself, wanting so much for Percy to be with me "glad to see you're awake" I hear a voice speak, immediately I turn around to find Luke, his eyes and smile as cocky as ever, I look around for anything and find a candle holder, aiming it for Luke's head as I swiftly turn around "was beginning to think you would forever stay asleep, beautiful" he talks once again, lustfully.

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