Chapter 41-Danger

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Hours had gone since the meeting, that meeting replaying in my head over and over, finding how everyone wasn't in such a hurry to save my Pearl, my words playing again, haunting as usual, but echoing in my brain, showing me I was right even though I knew that already, I spoke the truth, she had done so much for us, and those she loved, she cried her many tears that were caused by pain, sorrow, loneliness, longing for freedom, the nightmare she lived in, she walked for three years to get away from it. She then lived, not survived like most just did, she lived, she would live forever, yet treat every moment like it was her last, she cared, loved and protected those too many strangers that knew not of the girl or her existence, she protected others even as she was being beaten by the past and what her 'father' did, she then did something I thought I'd never seen anyone do, fight, not just for others but for her feelings, her true and non fake ones, risking her life so that she would stop her own destruction. The prophecy interrupts the pleasant memories of her gentle smile and gorgeous eyes, the recital of the words playing over and over again, telling me to figure them out, begging to be solved by me, and me alone, instead of trying to figure it all out at the same time, I break it to the smallest pieces, putting one rhyme next to the other 'to the son of the sea god' well, that could go to me or Tyson, but he hardly knew about Pearl and her... Situation, so it couldn't be him, it can't be him. 'In your fatal flaw, her name will ring' I didn't even know what my fatal flaw is, plus what qas that supposed to mean? 'her' name, who's name, skip that part of the prophecy, 'you will go save the daughter of spring' so all I have to do is sneak out of camp so I could go save Pearl, it should be easy enough, I've done it before, just not alone 'you must overcome what has been done' that I don't get, what else could that traitor a d her no good fake father be doing to her?. 'For there is one that cares none, my mind races away, trying to not think about all the terrible scenarios, making what Hades did to her before we met look like nothing 'Evil and good must be apart' ok... Skip that one 'for her to finally be free from the dark' my mind stops right there, what does she mean 'finally'?, Wasn't she already free? Wasn't she with us and free? And from what dark? Did it mean her fake dad? Would I have to kill him, for her to be free? My questions stop as a knock on my door travels through my ears. I sigh and get up, opening the door with a depressed look on my face, which was how I felt, they give me pity filled looks and smiles, I invite them in and sit, they talk on and on about how I couldn't go on the quest, Grover apologizing over abd over about how sorry he was, but promised to look for her and bring her home as soon as they got her and Artemis, I just sit there, giving them both an emotionless look with sad and tired eyes, listening to their talking silently. They soon leave me alone, saying that they wanted me to leave me to my thoughts, even though that's what I was doing before they came, so much weight was on my shoulders, I wanted to same Pearl, save Olympus, save everyone, but I cared more for Pearl, she was my literal pearl, I would do so much, move heacen and the Underworld, move the mount that would dare to separate us, move the sea to find a trace of her anywhere on land, I would do so much. Just to get her back, to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her how I felt about her, and kiss her once again, the weight of longing to help her and save her was unbearable and all these suspicious questions in my head weren't helping, I know what I could do, my brain comes up with an idea, I could talk to my mom, she would know what to do, I went to the fountain and got another drachma from it, I repeat what I had to say for the message to go through, the goddess takes my offering. "Show me Sally Jackson, Upper East Side, Manhattan" I tell the mist,the mist shimmers against the reflection of light, once it stops, I see my mom and some guy laughing at the kitchen table, their laughter so hard and loud neither noticed my message, I didn't say anything at first, I stared them, seeing the true and pure happiness they both had, I smile a ghost of a smile, but I could feel it growing om my lips, for I had never seen my mom this happy, it made me happy. Finally, the guy seated across from her excuses himself to the bathroom, leaving me to call my mom "mom!" I call, she jumps, making me burst out in laughter that I hadn't done for a while now, since the only one who brought it wad her and Pearl, she looks around as my laughter dies, finally spotting me "Percy! Is everything ok?" She asks as she gets up and walks over to the image "everything's... Good" I lie, mentally slapping myself for making it obvious "what are you doing?" I ask. Changing the subject and my tone having slight demanding in it "homework" she answers, trying to sound innocent, I give her my look "oh, that was Paul-I mean Mr. Blofis, he's helping me" she says nervously, her tone pulling me back to when I had told her about Pearl when I missed one of her calls, she demanded I told her everything, and it went exactly like this, just vice versa, me nervous and her giving me the look, I chuckle to myself to the memory. "Blowfish?" I ask. Laughing at myself for the funny new nickname "no, Blofis, now tell me what wrong, you look terrible, no offense" she demands and tells me, effortlessly changing the subject back to that and making me chuckle some "it's Pearl" I tell her seriously, tears already brimming my eyes "she's... She's in danger and we don't know where she's at" I tell her, tears then fill her eyes as she desperately tries to stop them from falling, you see, she only met Pearl once. On the way to Westover Hall, and, of course, considered her already in the family, which made me blush when she told me that, of course I told her about Pearl a little while after I met her, only for thst conversation to lead me to bluahing like a tomato, it still makes me blush just thinking about it "are you going to get her back? Are you going after her?" She asks, her calm, sad and innocent voice pulling me back into our conversation "I have to, I can't just stay here knowing she's in danger" I answer.

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