Chapter 17-Happiness In His Eyes

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I ran to my hut, adrenaline running through my veins for my friend, fear filled that adrenaline, my heart beat racing and my breathing quickening with every exhale, I quickly picked out clothes and out them in my bag "Pearl, are you ok?" A familiar voice asks, I tune to see Thalia, her face worried and confused "I have to go somewhere, but I wanted to ask if you want to come?" I ask "where?" She asks "Westover Hall, Grover's in danger" I explain quickly, her eyes widen with my words. "I will happily come along" she answers "ok, we're leaving in a few minutes, will you be able to pack and meet us at the barrier?" I ask "yes" she answers as she turns for a sprint "Thalia" I say before she runs, making her turn her head to face me "yes?" She asks "thanks" is all I say, she nods, turning and running away, fading in the sea of the campers, with this I only realized how many campers we truly had, less than usual, and with the war that ended, not many came back. I say to myself, for it was true, I went to the barrier after I had gotten everything in my bag, only to find Percy, Annabeth and Thalia all waiting for me already "and you tell me to hurry" Thalia teases as I walk to them "what took you so long?" Annabeth asks, Percy was the only one who had on a worried face, for he knew me better than anyone, and I was never late unless I had something on my mind "sorry, I got caught up in thinking" I admit. All faces instantly showing sad smiles, for they knew I missed my friend, Percy walked next to me and put an arm around my shoulders for comfort, giving me his sad yet loving smile, making me give his a small sad, yet thankful, smile "alright let's go that way we can help Grover before he gets into more trouble" Annabeth jokes, we all stood in a single file line in front of the barrier, all eyes staying and staring straight ahead, for many Half Bloods have been in the real world, some never surviving. And here we were, about to cross over with almost no chance of coming back, we were doing this willingly, and for a friend in trouble "ready?" I ask Percy "as long as you stay safe and Grover's ok, then ya, I'm ready" he says facing me "you guys ready, cause there's no going back after this" I say "isn't that why it's called an adventure? If so then absolutely I'm ready" Thalia says "let's go find that goat boy" Annabeth teases, and with that we all went through, not knowing what was on the other side. We all went to Sally's car, her giving me the biggest smile and hug "so you're the Pearl my son can't stop writing about?" She asks, her voice like an angels, so soft and caring that I could spend hours just listening to her talk "mom" Percy says embarrassed, only making all of the girls, except me, smirk at his secret being revealed, me only blushing to his mom's statement, we all piled in, the car big enough to fit all of us, and enough blue snacks for the whole trip. The entire car ride being happy and full of laughter, all expect Percy, who was as red as a tomato when we arrived, the whole ride being about his baby life, and about how he used to pretend to be a super hero, which only made all the girls laugh and giggle at his weird and ironic childhood "by, Mrs. Jackson" I say with a smile "goodbye, Pearl, make sure to tell Grover I have a bag full of cans waiting to him when he returns" she says with a bright smile "will do" I say as we all wave goodbye to her. Only for Westover Hall to enter our eyes as we turned around, it looking exactly like a castle from the old ages, making us all gawk at it's beauty and power in the very foundation it stood, the weather being summer like and warm on us, we all walked up the steps of the castle, silence washing over us until I spoke "Sally seems really nice, Percy" I say to him as the front door stands a few fet in front of us "ya, she's a good mom, just don't want her to embarrass me on front of my girlfriend" he says. "Oh, so I'm your girlfriend?" I ask amused "well, I was wondering on a date... But if you don't... That is if..." He studders making me giggle at his sudden awkwardness "of course, I love to go on a date with you" I say as his eyes lit up with love "let's just get Grover safely back before we do anything" I say as I face back to the huge wooden door to the castle "just what I was thinking" he agrees, I nod at him and help Annabeth with opening the huge door. We opened the door, the door not giving any sound of disturbance, we walked into the castle, it being ad beautiful and big as the outside, music filling the empty halls "wow" I say breathless "and just what do you think you're doing?!" A voice asks, anger filling it's tone, we turned around to find an unfamiliar face to the voice, my hands trying hard not to use my magic, Percy gripping Riptide in his jacket's pocket, Annabeth analyzing what to do next, and Thalia watching with hidden happy eyes. Which made me worry about what she was thinking, she snapped her finger and spoke very respectfully to the man "don't worry, we're students" she says as we all look at her with our eyes in confusion, but agreed, the teacher's eyes narrowed, but relaxed slightly "if I catch you out here again, I will personally escort you out" he sneers "we understand" I say politely "good, now go back into the dance, I'm sure someone will love to dance with such a polite young lady" the teacher says to me while pointing to a place where I guessed the dance was, flattering me slightly, we all start walking to where he pointed, only to see Grover running to us, happiness in his eyes.

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