Chapter 68-No Answers

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"But-" I tried to know everything, I wanted to know everything "please, Percy, let us not discuss more of this subject again" she begs softly, lowering her head as if to cry, I did want to, but I dropped the subject, but, everything made sense, Zoe, was cruel, harsh, dark, threatening and many more because of her pain, she did the same thing Pearl did, except Zoe Nightshade, hid her emotions behind a less beautiful mask, never daring to speak of her past, for all it had was pain. I place Riptide in my pocket once again, the sword sitting sadly dormant in my pocket, my eyes go to the necklace that was hanging from my neck, Pearl's necklace, it surprised me to see that half was still onyx black, but the other, was a pure and beautiful purple, shining brighter than ever "that's Pearl's, is it not?" Zoe asks, her tone amazed and curious, I nod, answering her question silently, not daring to speak her name "why bring it?" She asks "because I am going to give it to her when we get her back". I state boldly, her eyes go to the ground "you really care for her, don't you?" She asks, my eyes go to the stars, looking at their beauty that would try to forcefully replace and recreate the beauty she held so naturally "more than care, I love her" I states to the stars as if she were one of them, hoping somewhere, wherever she was, she was looking at the same star, silently stating the same sentence into the soft wind, I then continue talking to Zoe, growing some kind of friendship and trust between her and I. She made it so easy to just talk about my problems, she was like Pearl, one of those beautiful rarities that only listened willingly, thinking of your words to help you, I tell her of things that even Pearl didn't know, I tell her of the prophecy and my situation of trying to figure it out, so, here she was, thinking about it and it's powerful words, staying silent, her eyes flicker to the necklace "may I see her necklace?" She asks, I hesitate at first, but still take it off and hand it to her. She stays silent as her eyes run up and down the necklace, figuring it out and it's many secrets, after a while of looking at it, her eyes meet mine "Percy, I think I know why Pearl's necklace is like this" she tells me, showing me she was serious with her tone and the look in her eyes, my eyes light with hope "why?" I ask "it's the prophecy, it said in order to save Pearl, you must help her overcome what has been done" she tells me "ya, I figured that out already" I tell her. "You didn't let me finish" she tells me "Pearl's necklace is enchanted, it shows the inner aura of the owner" she explains, I think for a second "so when it's gold, that's Pearl's aura?" I ask, trying to get the facts straight, Zoe nods "and now that it's black, that means that there was some kind of a curse placed upon Pearl, it's controlling her" she explains "and I'm the only one who can help her" I mumble softly, putting the pieces together, Zoe nods as she hands me the necklace back, don't worry Pearl, I'll save you, my mind states.

Pearl's point of view
I finally got back to the princess Andromeda after hiking down the mighty mountain, Luke waiting patiently and almost worriedly at the docks, making my heart beat so fast and skip many important beats, his eyes snap to me, my eyes seeing his were their pure blue,he immediately comes to me, a sense of determination and worried filling his stride, he engulfs me in a big hug, one I wasn't ready for, his arms wrapping around my small body in security, trembling with the long hike I took. I hug back, my arms not squeezing as tight, but hugging, he pulls away and looks straight into my golden eyes "what took you so long?" He asks, his tone generally worried, but I could never tell him the truth, not after what happened between us, the sense of saftey and trust long gone with him "I just wanted to take my time" I say shamefully, lowering my head to show I was sorry for taking long, I brush past him, but he stops me by laying a firm hand on my shoulder, giving me good and bad goosebumps. "Are you sure?" He asks "you know, we might not be... You know, but you can still tell me anything" he assures, my eyes meet his, his big blue and amazing eyes reminding me of someone else, perhaps my lover?, My brain suggests, a pang goes through me at that thought, I smile softly "I know, but really I'm fine" I place a soft kiss against his cheek, making his cheeks tint "thanks for caring" amd with that I walk away, leaving Luke at the docks. I know, I wasn't supposed to do that, but something in me, something super deep inside, ignored the voice screaming at me not to get involved with him again, I had given us a chance, only for him to push me away and apologize with a letter, a letter!, What was I thinking?!, My head snaps at me, don't he hurt! Do many people hurt you, just stay away and you won't be hurt, this was what the voice in my head screamed at me whenever I felt myself feel, my walk back was filled with the evil snarls of monsters. Their eyes seeming to show a knowingness to what was happening, but, I ignore all, walking to my room, none of their glares and growls touching me, I close my door and sit on my bed, thinking about what had happened with me and the goddess, my mind running wuth the information I just got, but also, with newly found questions, I knew who Bianca is now, but that didn't explain my dream, why had I dreamt about her? Was it a warning? Is she alive or dead?, So many questions, with no answers.

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