Chapter 36-Her Worst Nightmare

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For a moment it was Pearl and Luke, both of them holding the ceiling together, but with Pearl's surprising strength, Luke easily slips out of the hold he had "Thanks" he sighs out of relief "you're welcome, now help me hold it" she thanks quickly, I could see the struggle she was having, the column shaking since most of the strength was from Luke, without it, Pearl couldn't hold it for long, even her voice was straining from the effort she was handled alone, Luke gets to his feet and looks at her. "I can always count of you, Pearl" he says as he starts to walk away from her "hey! Come back here! Help me! Please!" She yells, desperate for help, her eyes holding fear and pain, that look, it could made anyone cry, for it was in her once happy and joy filled eyes, my anger was getting to much for me to handle, he turned around and walked back to Pearl, her once hurting face holding the pure anger, her eyes meeting his with a stone cold glare "oh, don't worry, Pearl. Another replacement is coming soon, all part of the plan" he tells her "what do you mean 'another replacement' is coming?" She demands, her forhead starting to break out a sweat to the heavy and gigantic column she was holding all by herself "you'll find out soon enough" he says going to her and caressing her cheek "don't you dare touch her you traitor!" I yell at him, my voice not heard once again, what's going on? Why can't they hear me?, My head questions. But with Luke's voice, I snap back into reality "I'll see you later, Pearl, try not to die" he says in a menacing voice,that's when he walks away,leaving her with a heavy burden, literally, she looks up and stares right into my eyes as if she could really see me, her eyes meeting mine for the first time, I remember instantly how much I missed those beautiful and wonderful eyes "it's a trap" she tells me before she fades away, the darkness disappearing, I wake up. I look around, my eyes scanning the room, I sigh, seeing that I was back in my room, my mind raced like a train that was endless, never stopping, I couldn't go back to sleep, how could I?, I just saw the girl I am falling in love with, I just saw her, she was real, not in my head, but knowing thst she was in the Underworld and suffering, no thanks to Luke, I couldn't close my eyes, sleep never overcame me once, but it wasn't her that broke me, it was the look she had, full of pain and fear. I had never seen her eyes hold that hue, the thought of her suffering was too much, I feel something warm and wet roll down my cheek, my finger touches the tear, interrupting it's path down my cheek, I hadn't even noticed I was crying, the ache I felt earlier filling me once again, I don't know why, but this, this ache I had, was Pearl's pain, combined with all my emotions, I let my emotions take control, my pain, longing, love and regret filling just my tears. After a good 5 minutes of just crying, I calmed down, my tears slowing to a stop ever so slowly, my shaking hands stopped as they grip Pearl's necklace "stop crying, Pearl wouldn't cry" I say to myself, over and over again I tell myself that, it helped just the slightest, but tears still threatened to fall, I try to think of a happy memory, I knew it immediately, the first time me and Pearl fought in combat, the first fight that hung on the wall at her house, as the memory comes, so does a small smile, I look down at the necklace "I'll find you, Pearl, I promise I will" I state.

Pearl's point of view
It felt like I've been holding the sky forever, I didn't even know how long it's been, a day? Days? Could've been years for all I know, I tried so hard to leave this sad and painful place of death, yet here I am again, burdened once again, yet this time, I'm alone, I don't have anyone, just myself, and a step dad that wants to kill the boy I love, along with my family from camp, many questions filled my head from what Luke said 'another replacement'?, What could it be? Who could it be?, My mind wonders. The sky suddenly goes heavier, as if trying to see how much weight I could take, it pushes me until my knees hit the hard floor of this place, I let out a long and loud cry of pain, the column stops pushing me, but the weight holds me down, ensuring that I don't go anywhere, my knees shooting pain to my brain, screaming silently to stop the pain, tears fill my eyes and anger for Luke leaving me like this, only one thing fills my heart ad the column pushes me further, I need help.

Percy's point of view
I tell Annabeth and Grover of my dream the second I see the crack of dawn approach and I hear the campers wake, no sleep being on my eyes, but I was as awake as ever, like electricity and adrenaline was going through me, a sense of panic and a unfamiliar feeling going through me, a feeling raising me up, telling me to keep going, determination, that's what I had, living off my body and not making it the slightest bit tired or hungry "so let me get this straight, you saw Pearl. In the Underworld, the place that she would never go in a million years, holding a cave ceiling like thingy?" She asks, trying to take in everything I told them and trying to get the facts straight , I nod enthusiastically, my head not hurting the slightest "do you know what it could be? I thought it was like a column" I ask and add, Annabeth thinks for a moment, shaking her head "it could be anything, Percy" she tells me defeated of the sound of her friend in her worst nightmare, literally.

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