Chapter 99-Strongly

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A moo escapes the poor, frightened creature "you have named the Ophiotaurus, Bessie?" Poseidon asks "dad, he's no monster, he's a sea creature, a really nice one, you can't destroy him!" Percy protests strongly, making me admire him for a good two seconds "Percy, that creature's powers is considerable, if someone were to take it, or-" Poseidon gets cut off "you can't" Percy states strongly, his eyes face Zeus's head on "controlling the prophecies never works, right?. Besides, Bessie, I mean, the Ophiotaurus is innocent, killing something like that is wrong, just as wrong as... As Kronos eating his own children because of something they might do! It's wrong!" Percy protests, my love for him only growing with that single statement, he remembered, plus, he was standing up to the king of the gods himself! That boy is full of surprises, my mind admires, Zeus looked as if he was considering his words, he looks at Thalia before responding. "And at what risk? Kronos knows full well that if one of you were to sacrifice the beast's entrails, you would have enough power to destroy us, do you think we will just let that possiblity remain?" He asks "you, my daughter, will turn sixteen on the morrow, just as the prophecy states" he reminds us "you just have to trust us" I finally speak up "trust a hero?" He asks like it was a ridiculous question or thing to think of "Pearl is right" Artemis agrees "which is why I make the first reward. My faithful companion, Zoe Nightshade, has passed on into the stars, I must have a new lieutenant, but first, father Zeus, I must speak with you privately", Zeus beckons Artemis over and leans closer to her while she whispers into his ear, suddenly, I felt Percy's hand tighten around mine "Pearl" he whispers under his breath "don't" he begs "what?" I ask, not knowing what he was talking about, he turns to face me. His sea blue eyes pleasing with everything he had, his face turning a bit red and his hair sticking to his forehead, dampened from sweat "please don't, I-I couldn't stand it if... I don't want you to-" he studders uncontrollably, making his sentences unable for me to decipher "Percy? You ok? You look like you're going to be sick" I ask him, my hues now worried for the boy I held dear in my heart "I just don't want you to-" he gets cut off by Artemis "it is decided, I shall have a new lieutenant" Artemis announces "if, she will accept it". "No" Percy mumbles, making me so confused "Thalia, daughter of Zeus, will you join the hunt?" She asks, the room is engulfed in silence in the matter of just those meer words, in just the simple question, Percy stares at her, stunned, Thalia studders, not knowing what to say, her eyes stare at Artemis, the gears in her head shifting to the question, the unsettling and almost tense filled silence, I take her hand and squeeze it, giving her a small gesture of assurance, she smiles, breathing in to answer. "I will" she finally answers "my daughter, please consider-" Zeus tries to negotiate "father" Thalia interrupts "I won't turn sixteen tomorrow , I won't ever turn sixteen, I wont let this prophecy be mine, I stand with my sister Artemis, Kronos won't ever tempt me again" she protests so strongly, Zeus didn't even attempt to try and rid the idea from her, seeing this, Thalia knelt before Artemis, speaking her oath, after she did, she stood taller than ever before, she turns around and gives Percy a massive hug, he shows uneasiness. "Um, I thought you can't do that anymore... Hug boys I mean" he murmurs "I'm honoring a friend" she answers and calms his uneasiness, pulling back "I have to join the hunt, Percy, I have never felt peace before, not since..... Half-blood hill, but you will be a hero, you will take the prophecy" she tries lightening the heavy "great" he snaps sarcastically, she chuckles softly "I'm proud to call you my friend" she smiles, her eyes look at mine, smiling sadly, she hugs me next, my arms holding onto her as tightly as they were able. "I wish we had more tine to connect" she wishes "it I not your place to apologizes, besides, you are going to visit" I state, she chuckles "always" she states "tell Annabeth, explain to her why I had to do it" she asks of me, I smile "of course" I answer "take care of Percy" she whispers so lowly and quietly that way no one but me could hear her "I will" she lets go of me to hug Grover next, who looked as if he would pass out at any given moment, leaving him to go stand by Artemis's side. "Pearl Flame" she calls, making my eyes go to her "you could also join the hunt too, if you wish?" She asks, I smile at her "it's an honor that you have asked me.." I trail, feeling Percy's hand loosen around mine, the corner of my eyes catching his head lowering "but I can't" I finish, seeing Percy's eyes light up with hope and love, his head snapping back up to my sentence finishing, his hand tight around mine once again, I look over at him and smile. His eyes show relief and love, my eyes look back at Artemis, seeing her hue not change "I was expecting this answer, and I will respect it, but know that my offer is always on the table" she informs me "thank you, but that won't be necessary" I dismiss her kindly "just a precaution then, for the future" she corrects "now, for the Ophiotaurus" she changes the subject "the boy is still dangerous" Mr. D informs them "it is a temptation of great power, even if we snare the boy" he tells them, murmurs of agreement sound through the hall "no" Percy states strongly.

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