Chapter 109-I Await You

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After the whole ordeal, we went to Annabeth and Grover, Annabeth was fuming and Grover looked completely heartbroken, but their expressions changed when we told them of what we descovered, so, not wanting anything bad happening to the poor kid, they join us on our search for him, only, there was no sign of Nico di Angelo, although, I had a strange feeling like I was being watched from the shadows.... "We have to tell Chiron" Annabeth huffs, completely out of breath as we walk out of the lengthy forest "no" me and Percy state in unison, they both stare at us like we were crazy. "What do you mean, no?" Grover asks nervously "we can't tell anyone, we can't risk anyone else knowing...." Percy couldn't finish the words, for they were horrible "a son of Hades?" Annabeth finishes "Percy, do you not realize how serious this is?! Even Hades broke the oath! This is horrible!" She yells "Hades didn't exactly break the oath" I tell them, they all stare at me "I thought so too, when I heard of the prophecy, which is why I didn't tell anyone, in fear they would cast me out for being a spawn of death himself". I explain, pitiful silence emitting from my family "but, like Nico and Bianca, Pearl was out of commission, she was kept locked away while they were in a casino, they were in there since before WW 2, they were born way before the oath was made" Percy adds "but how dod they get out?" Annabeth asks "we don't know" Percy answers "Bianca told us that some lawyer guy came, picked them up and drove them all the way to Westover Hall, we don't know who that could've been or why, maybe it was part of the Great Stirring thing". Percy guesses "Nico doesn't know who he is, so we can't risk him finding out from anyone, meaning we can't tell anyone, not even Chiron, if the Olympians found out...." I trail, not being able to state the words "then they would start fighting amongst each other again" Annabeth finishes "and that's the last thing we need" she adds "but you can't hide things from gods, well, not forever" Grover worries "we don't need forever, we just need two years, until I am sixteen" Percy assures him "but Percy, the prophecy might not even be about you. It could be about Nico, we have to-" Grover panics "no" Percy states firmly, interrupting Grover's worries "I chose the prophecy, it will be about me" Percy states "Percy, are you sure you want to be responsible for the whole world?" I warn him, my worries taking my confidence too "I can't let Nico be in more danger because of my own actions" he states "I owe that much to Bianca, I let her down, I let both of them down, I can't let that poor kid suffer anymore" he states, determination taking his tone "that poor kid hates you and wants to see you dead". Grover reminds us "we won't let that happen" I assure him "we could keep searching and if we could find him we could tell him it's ok, maybe keep him safe with me, Persephone and Ashely, or someplace safe" I explain "if Luke gets a hold of him-" Annabeth thinks out loud "he won't" Percy states, interrupting her worries "I'll make sure he has some other things to worry about, namely, me, after devising a plan, we went to Chiron and told him a fake story about Nico's disappearance, and, funny thing is, he bought it. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't the only camper who had disappeared, but this was semi good for us, it gave us more of a convincing story "I should go to my cabin, Persephone wants to do a check up, I'll see you later Percy" I bid, he nods "make sure you tell her and Ashley about Christmas at my place" he reminds me, I nod "will do", I place a goodbye kid on his cheek before walking out, walking into the night air, walking down a familiar path, remembering the otherworldly girl that once walked down this same path.

Percy's point of view
"It's a great blessing she is still alive" Chiron tells me, the cabin empty since right after Pearl left, everyone else did, slowly trickling out into the night air, I stay silent, wanting to change the subject, so, that's what I did "do you think the first attack will be here?" I ask him, Chiron stares outside a window, watching ad the snow fell upon the many hills in the forest, I could see the smoke dragon, guarding the Golden Fleece and the camo from outsiders "it will not be until summer, at least" Chiron guesses. "This winter will be hard, the hardest for many centuries, it's best you go home, Percy, keep your mind on school and rest, you will need it" he tells me "is it ok if Pearl, Persephone and Ashley share Christmas with me and my mom?" I ask, Chiron nodded "yes, only because the three haven't celebrated Christmas before" he grants permission and an explanation "right, they all have been too busy being imprisoned to celebrate" I remember, pity filling me for the girl I loved and her complicated past "I just want to see her happy, she deserves it. "I understand, Percy, you are right, she deserves it" he agrees, before I could speak, Grover runs in, his face pale and glistening with sweat "he spoke" he cries, his face so pale "calm down, young satyr" Chiron frowns "what's wrong?" He asks "I-I was playing music in the parlor" he stammers "and drinking coffee, lots and lots of coffee" his eye twitches to help show evidence "and he spoke in my mind!" Grover exclaims "who?" I ask "Pan!" he answers, wailing "the Lord of wilderness himself, I, I have to go a suitcase" he looks around frantically "woah, woah, woah, what did he say?" I ask, trying to calm him down "just three words 'I await you'".

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