Chapter 51-Black

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My thoughts swirled in my head, not becoming my own, my body no longer feeling as free as it was, feeling the burden of something weigh itself on my shoulders when I carried or did nothing, thoughts that turned from doubting Kronos to hating the gods, all of the them, Luke was right, Kronos's was right, the gods only cared for themselves, because of my so called mother, I am forever broken with no going back, my once pure mind darkens, memories never changing from the girl I was becoming. The small pieces and unimportant memories that I once held like treasures disappearing like sand in the wind, getting lost in the sea of the spell that made me think of these things, my once kind brown eyes turn golden, so golden they almost matched Luke's hair, my hair becoming solid black, so black it matched a starless and hopeless night, I tried to resist the spell, shoving my hands into my hair as I concentrated on trying to stay good, all my happy memories leaving, only being replaced by memories of anger. Memories of brokenness and loneliness, memories of the pain and malnourishment I had to go through, I yell as I try my hardest to get those thoughts away, Percy leaving me for lying about my past, leading to our first argument, Persephone taking over my mind and body, the first kiss me and Percy shared that I didn't even cause, not being able to tell Percy how much I loved him, being so badly beaten I limped and cried myself to sleep. My struggles become useless against the powerful spell the Titan lord had put over me, I scream once last scream of utter determination of trying to stay good, bit my attempt is taken as a failure, it becomes eerily quiet as I feel every anger for the gods fill my bones, my blood, my blood cells, everything, becoming me in the most evil way, my long eyes lashes quivering as if I was having a nightmare, the chatting growing louder in my head as it finishes. I try to hold onto the last piece of goodness that I had, but it melts away, feeling foreign with the evil thst was now a part of me, my back feeling eyes stare at it, knowing those belonged to Luke, ignoring him as I finally open my eyes, a powerful and evil glint of light flashing in my eyes, a newfound feeling welling up in me, tbis power giving me so much strength I almost felt as powerful as Zeus himself, I stand, my breath slightly panting from the struggle, my eyes fixed upon the sarcophagus. You are now part of my army, the same voice of my master tells me "I am now part of your army" I repeat as if I was a mindless zombie or puppet that was being controlled by him, you will serve me, he states, the evil grin even audible from that sentence, making a small and evil grin appear on my once pure lips "I will and shall serve you" I repeat, my voice sounding deadly blank and expressionless, I will give you your part of the earth that we shall spare my new precious one. You want a father and a family that will care for you unlike you dialogical one? I give you one, my crew will be your family, but I will give you a father that will love you, I cannot do this, physically, so, as your first task you will go out and kill someone, a life for a life, free me and you prove yourself worthy of my promise, his voice fills my brain "who shall I destroy, father?" I ask, using the new name for him, Perseus Jackson, he answers, I smile evilly. "As you wish, father" I bow my head, rise, my precious one, Kronos commands, I stand, my eyes fixed upon the sarcophagus of my real father, I feel a hand take my arm, taking it gently, my eyes side glance at the one and only Luke, not knowing when or if I glared at him before, but, this time, I didn't, all I did, was smile lightly at him, this smile ghostly and not foreign, my eyes staring at his, feeling something bloom with the contact of our touches and his gentle strong hand taking my arm. Luke, my most trusted and loyal follower, take my daughter for training, giver her any necessary weapons, or anything you think I important, I trust she is safe with you?, Kronos asks as our eyes stay connected with his voice "I will protect her with my life, my lord, no harm will dare to touch her" he answers so deeply I find it amazing he felt emotions when I was feeling blandness, except for the new feeling that blossomed so smally in the sea of blankness. "Come on, Pearl, let's go train" Luke says as he gently pulls my arm, I only nod, my eyes looking dead and emotionless, we leave Kronos alone, but what Pearl didn't know was that the spell Kronos had put on her was a very powerful and evil spell, one that most did not survive, without growing darker, memories only existing so they would be reminded of how dark they should be, but forgetting them in the process, but, it could be broken, but by only one person.

Percy's point of view
I pick up the Nemean Lion's fur, it turning into a golden brown jacket, we had just finished fighting it, sweat and blood covering some of my face, my breath taken from me, my hot breath huffing into the cold night, making of warm air rise into night "we must hurry, look!" Zoe exclaims pointing, we follow her finger and look to the distance, only some figures darkened already but the shadows that surrounded them, making them even look horrific, their clothes looking as of they were in the army long ago. These men being the guys that were now hunting me "we gotta go! Those guys are hunting me!" I exclaim, voicing my thoughts, they all become slightly more worried "I'll distract them, you guys run!" I exclaim as I start to walk over, ready to fight "oh no you won't!" Zoe protests, grabbing my arm and stopping me in my determined tracks, we all stare at her "but-" I start "no buts! You're the 5th quest member, and I never leave anyone behind" she interrupts. "... Ok" I say, still shocked about her not wanting me to leave, we all start to run until Zoe stops, making us all stop "what is it?" I ask worriedly "look" she points, pointing to my pocket, everyone's eyes go to it, I see my pocket glowing it's purple color, so I fish it out and hold it for everyone to see, only for my eyes to widen in horror, the once beautiful and silver heart was turning black, the chains black and the heart completely black with fading white, the white being it's purity, but those parts faded away, leaving the once pure necklace heart black.

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