Chapter 32-Smile

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"Hey, don't think that, Pearl would let you" I laugh slightly, although it was full of sadness, it was true, but it brought pain to me, almost like everything that had to do with Pearl, Thalia looks to me "you're right, she wouldn't" she laughs the same laugh as me "I just don't get it, why her?" She asks "I know, it's so unfair" I state, she chuckles to my statement "life is unfair Percy, sometimes I wish it was just..." She stops closing her eyes, her voice choking too much for her to continue. I out am arm around her shoulders to give her comfort "don't worry, we'll get back Pearl, I don't know how, but we will" I reassure her, she nods "we'll find a way" she says, we suddenly her shouting and yelling from the basketball court, our eyes turn to see the argument that was unfolding, it was between the Hunters and a Ares guy, from the looks of it, they all looked like they were going to kill each other "I'll break that up, you should go back to your cabin" Thalia says, I given a look "no offense. But you look terrible" she says "thanks" I say sarcastically "by the way, you should be the team captain for capture the flag" I tell her, she shakes her head "no, you should" she dismisses quickly "how about the co-captain?" I suggest, she thinks about it for a moment, but nods, she starts to walk away, only for me to stop her "Thalia?" I ask "what?" She asks turning around "sorry about what happened at Westover also when I asked you about your mom" I apologise "it's alright Percy" she says before going to the basketball court. We walk away from each other in opposite directions, her to break up the fight and me, well, to tell the last cabin about the game taking place, cabin 3, the same cabin where Persephone and Pearl lived, it scared me out of all the cabins, it was still dark as ever, but now it had a vibe to it, creepy, alone and lost, compared to the other cabins that were bursting with life, this one sat away from the lights and laughter, I take a deep and sigh before walking in "here goes nothing" I mumble to myself. I knock the door and wait, for awhile I don't hear anything from the other side of the door, but soon, I hear footsteps, finally a door opens, to reveal a little girl with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, her eyes just as gentle and soft as her smile, she looked about 8 years old, making her a few years younger than me and Pearl, she smiles shyly at me as her eyes meet mine "hi" she greets softly "hi" I greet back "I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?" I ask. Before she could say anything, Persephone walks to the door, standing behind her, I get a good long look at her, her dark brown eyes bloodshot and her long coconut brown hair a mess, her eyes stay on me for a moment, but then snap to the girl next to her, she bends down just their faces are at the same level, she whispers something in her ear, making the girl shake her head and frown, Persephone sighs, her eyes find mine again. "Come in, Percy" she says side stepping so I could enter, I enter the cabin, no one being in there but us, the cabin having pictures of only Persephone and Pearl, some recent, some when they were both imprisoned, and there was one I recalled, a picture of me and Grover, I couldn't recall the date the picture was taken, but I recall what happened before it, it was the first fight me and Pearl had, practicing with our swords, the picture was taken right at the moment I pinned her against a tree. Her eyes meeting mine with no fear, no anger, no thinking, nothing hard, always gentle and soft, her lips holding the faintest smile, the beauty of her hair color coming out in the moment od sunlight that was on her, her eyes sparking to mine, sparking thst spark I never knew or found out, her body holding confidence, but her eyes holding gentleness, mine, mine were a hole nother story, my face was hard, my lips a thin line, my eyes narrowed at hers. My sword inches from her neck, my hands tight, making my knuckles white from the hold I had on my sword, he face inches from hers, I smile sadly at it, my smile sad from the things going, through my mind, if I wasn't so hard on her, if I told her sooner, if I had forgotten the past, of I just listened to her, if I just kissed her already, if I told her how I felt, I shake those thoughts away as Persephone sits on a lone bed, the little girl sitting next to him, I follow. "Percy, meet Ashley, she came to camp last week" Persephone introduces, I smile my smile at the little girl and hold out my hand for her "nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Percy Jackson" I introduce myself, she gasps and instantly takes my hand, her eyes sparking just like Pearl's "so you're Pearl's prince charming?" She asks giggling and making the cutest smirking face, I get completely lost to what she was saying "um" I look at Persephone for help "Ashley, why don't you go out and play in the snow?. Me and Percy have to talk about something" she tells Ashley, the little girl pouts but nods and smiles as she runs to go play, I couldn't help but smile at the sight, my mind remembering that Pearl would do the same, once she leaves Persephone stands and takes a long look at the picture I saw earlier "so, um, in a prince?" I ask trying to start a small conversation "yeah, Pearl told Ashley all about you, making Ashley think your her prince charming" she doesn't look at me, but I can hear the smile in that answer.

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