Chapter 69-Joy

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Percy's point of view
We had been driving for a few hours now, stopping at hotels for sleep and leaving the next day, but sitting in the same truck for hours on end was driving me crazy, and we were barely near Hollywood, the truck was mainly filled with a comfortable silence most days, but I had made sure to keep morale high, as usual, the truck was silent as I drove down the highway "we should find a damn snack bar" Zoe cusses suddenly "we should eat while we can" she adds, Grover cracks a goofy smile. "The damn snack bar?" He teases, barely holding it together, the rest of us that weren't already snickering to start snickering "yes, what is so funny?" She asks, generally confused "nothing" Grover plays off, trying hard to keep a straight face "I could use some damn french fries" he snickers, his eyes water from the nurse of laughter that wanted to come out, Thalia smiles "and I need to use the damn bathroom" Thalia joins in, making the snickers worsen, even though we were all emotionally and physically tired, we all started to laugh. Me joining them, Zoe just looks at us, confused written all over her face, making the laughter worsen "I do not understand" she tells us "I need a damn drink from the damn water fountain" Grover burst again "And-And I want t-to buy a damn t-shirt" Thalia studders from laughing so hard, my sides started to hurt from laughing so hard, thoughts enering my head witg the familiar voice that would easily soothe me, see, the voice said, the tone matching Pearl's soft volume perfectly. This is the happiness you deserve, the happiness I love, the happiness you bring me, that voice fades and tears form in my eyes and they weren't from laughing, but still from joy, and I would have laughed more if I hadn't heard what sounded like a moo from... A cow?, My head questions my ears "did anyone else hear a cow?" I ask as the laughter continues "a damn cow?" Thalia laughs, trying to keep the joy alive, she to succeeds, but only the laughter lasts for a few more moments. "I hear nothing" Zoe says after the laughter died, her tone now concerned, I stop the truck right outside a visitor center, the place humming with tourists, I hop out of the truck, looking around for the original of the sound, only to find sightseeing tourists, the rest of the group gets out, watxhing me look around the place frantically, I feel a soft hand lay on my shoulder, making my head turn, only to find Thalia "you ok, Percy?" Thalia asks gently "Um, I'm fine, you guys go ahead and get something to eat, I'll catch up". They all look at me hesitantly and worriedly "don't worry, I just need a minute... To think" I add, they hesitate once more, I must've looked really worried and upset, because soon they left for the visitors center, without me, I waited till they were out of my sight and started to look for the origin once again, my eyes find a dam, perfect, my brain smiles, I dash over, stopping only until I was at the edge of the safety railing, looking over and gaining some unwanted attention. "Moo" my eyes follow my ears and I look down, there was a lake thirty feet below me, where the sound came from, and there, sitting in the water, was Bessie, the cow serpent, my eyes turn to wide panic and look around everyone else, luckily, the eyes of attention left me be and no one saw her yet "what are you doing here?" I ask her "moo!" She mooed in an urgent way, as if she were trying to warn me "how did you get here?" I question with curiosity and amazement. She ignores my questions, she turns in the water and slams her head against the dam, as if she wants me to go with her, and fast, like there was no time to waste "I can't my friends are here, they're inside" I tell her, she stares at me for a moment, her big brown eyes looking into mine deeply, yet, so gently, this reminding me of the one that was temporarily lost to me, but the silence doesn't last "MOO!" She mooed louder now, with that, Bessie did a flip and disappears into the deep water. My mind questions why Bessie had such actions that she did, and what was she warning me about, but, my questions were answered, my hands and back tense, begging to have the familiar soft touch come and help them get released, but no touch came, I hear the familiar clanking and clattering of bones, I turn around and find the skeleton hunters and warriors, I look to my right to find two with matching grey camouflage outfits, they glare unmercifully at me. So, that's what Bessie was trying to warn me about, my mind pieces together, I back up into the railing, looking for a way outand away, when my eyes find the visitors center, I don't hesitate, I dash for it the first chance I get, just as I almost reach the stars, I hear tires squeal, causing my head to foolishly turn around, my eyes see a black van skid to a sudden stop, the doors open and more pile skeletons out if the van, great!, My head snaps, just great, now I'm surrounded!. I go against the idea, I dash down the stars, hearing the skeletons right behind me, I even run past security, but I wasn't worried about them, I would just have to tell then that I was running from a life death situation and that I really didn't want to die, my eyes frantically look around for my friends as I run past the museum exhibits, but I couldn't find them anywhere, where is the damn snack bar?, I almost crack a smile, only to have the security guy yelling at me. "Hey! Kid! Stop!" He yells, this is not happening, I panic, but my eyes flicker to the elevator, seeing a group of tourist traveling together, I run for the elevator, using them as something to hide in, running in just as the doors closed "we'll be going down 700 hundred feet" the tour guide announces cheerful, her smile showing she actually loved her job more than anything in the world, she has her long black hair curled at it's tips and out in a ponytail, tinted glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, but there would be only one thing I would remember from her, her genuine smile of joy.

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