Chapter 8-Tears

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I woke from my bed, morning showing its beautiful self in my room and through my windows, the sun warm on my skin, making me smile to the sun's kisses, I got up and did my morning routine, gently putting a ponytail on, one that made my baby hairs fall out of, making my hairdo look cute and natural, but before I could leave, I spotted a orange shirt sitting on a chair, one that had the initials, CHB, which meant Camp Half-blood, I smiled at it, thinking of who would do something so kind even though I knew the answer. I put on the shirt and some jeans, the shirt alone showing I was becoming part of this imperfect family, along with my birth jewelry, my silver heart earrings and my matching heart necklace, some things that my mom gave me before she gave me up, this along with my unloving father showing me how I was always alone, but I pushed those thoughts a side, leaving for training with a bright smile on my face "you look happy" Grover said as he appeared by my side. Him slightly scaring me, I hit him playfully on his arm for the scare "I seriously need to put a bell on you" I said as he smiled "now, that would just make it harder for me to scare you" he teased as I rolled my eyes at him "that's the point" I teased back, him giving me a cute sad face ".... Fine no bell" I said giving in, he belted in victory "anyway, I don't know what you're talking about... About me being happy" I said "well, yesterday you were kind of distant towards others. But all of a sudden, today your giving everyone your beautiful smile" he said curiously as a small smile feel on my lips "why?" He asks "no reason" I answered quickly, putting a piece of hair behind my ear "would that 'no reason' have anything to do with a certain boy I know?" He asks winking when he got to the words "no reason" "no it has nothing to do with a boy" I answered quickly as my face started turning a blush color "ya, sure" he smirk as I tried walking faster. "Look, I need to tell you something..." I said as stopped to face him "do you remember what happened three years ago?" I ask "yes, that was when I had to stay in the Underworld, with Persephone, why?" He asks, I sighed and readied myself for my past to be revealed "I was there" I answered as his eye grew wide "I've always have... I was born there and held captive all my life, Hades treating me and Persephone less than garbage, not caring for us the slightest" I said as his eyes softened. "I have powers I can't control, neither can Persephone, but in the Underworld, of all places, we had hope... Hope that one day someone would save us, that's when you, Percy and Annabeth came" I said as his eyes widened again "you didn't see me, but I saw you, and how you sacrificed yourself for Percy and his mother... When Persephone was flirting with you, she was trying to get you to help her and me get out of there" I explained "oh, that makes sense. So were you there when Annabeth came back for me?" He asks "yes, right when you went through the portal Persephone and me jumped in too, but the thing is that we didn't know what camp looked like, so instead of coming to the camp, we ended up somewhere in the woods, once Hades found that me and Persephone had escaped, he was furious and sent all his monsters to find us, we spent three years in the forest trying to get to camp, but after awhile the monster kept getting closer to us when we got closer to the camp. Persephone almost got caught by a few monsters, but as we ran, we we found the camp, Persephone sacrificed herself to save me and get me away from Hades, she pushed me into camp so that Hades couldn't touch me, but got captured in the process, that's when you guys came and all that" I explained as his eyes softened again "wow... You've been there, you were there the whole time, that's why it took you long to answer my question about me knowing you from somewhere" he said astonished. "Ya... Don't tell Percy.." I pleaded "why?" He asked "look... Hades is someone more than he looks like" I said as his face showed confusion and curiosity "remember when Hades said that there was a child listening when Percy was threatening him?" I asked "that child was me" I said as his eyes grew wide "I'm.... Hade's daughter" I said, but before he could say anything a branch snapped somewhere close to us, I turned to see Percy and Annabeth, both looking as if I was a monster. "Percy, I.." I started "you're Hade's daughter?" He asks his eyes showing hurt "yes..." I answered "why didn't you tell me?" He asks "I couldn't... My father has been tracking me for three years, I had to keep it a secret to protect you" I said "I told you already that you were protected here" he said "I'm never safe... It doesn't matter weather if there's a barrier or an army to fight for my safety... My father is too powerful and will never give up until I am trapped in his endless supply of hate" I said sadly. "You should've told us, Pearl... To think I thought you were different" he said but murmured the last part to himself "I didn't want you guys to get hurt..." I said as tears entered my eyes "Percy, she was protecting us" Grover defended "who's side are you on?" Percy asks angrily "I don't want sides, Percy" I choked "you should've thought of that when you decided to hide your past" he snapped "well, don't act like you wouldn't do the same" I said almost snapping. "Leave, Pearl" he said as my tears left me "fine" I said as I ran to my cabin to angrily and sadly pack a bag "don't leave" Grover begged at the barrier "I need to leave anyway, I have to get Persephone back" I said determined "I'll go with you" he said "don't... Percy..." I started "he doesn't matter... I'm a protecter, I protect people" he said "fine" I said giving in "I'm all ready" he said, we left, and even though I had him by my side, I still left the same way I entered, my face feeling sad tears.

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