Chapter 43-The Arms Of The Traitor

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My eyes stare like hard blazes during a new roaring fire of anger "that because this place was my prison my whole life, I grew up here, the effects of the rotting doesn't affect me, so I look more healthy and normal than you two" I grin with pride to the only thing my past gave me, he grinos "well, looks like you will be quite useful" he whispers hungrily, he turns to Atlas "you're curse is slowly weakening her, but she wouldn't last long" he then tell Atlas "well then" he starts as he motions the monsters, making them throw their prisoner to the ground. The prisoner grunts a feminine grunt as the clinking of chains fills my ears, my eyes narrow to focus, only for them to widen "let's change the board pieces" Atlas finishes, knowing I knew who the prisoner was, hunched before me in pain was Artemis, her silver and clean outfit tattered, filthy and torn with no remorse, her skin dangerously pale, her once vibrant eyes holding dark bags under them, her orbs showing tiredness and pain, her once flawless skin holding bruises and cuts. Her eyes like daggers until they land on me, they soften immediately "my Pearl" she says relieved, I don't answer, for my eyes go to her wrist, onky to see the celestial bronze, heavy looking chains that were cuffed around her poor wrist, her eyes look up slightly, only for rage to fill her once soft eyes again, she snaps her attention to Luke, who had the look of pleasure and cockiness all of his face, a small smirk on his lips "how dare you make my maiden carry this curse!" She snaps referring to me as the maiden. Atlas chuckles as something flickers in Luke's blue eyes "well then Artemis, you must decide, you heard the boy, she won't last long, take the curse so she will be safe from harm, and knowing the boy wanting to see her, he won't forgive you if she was hurt because of your actions" Atlas states snickering at his knowingness, me and Artemis lock eyes then, her once angry eyes now soft, full of worry and sorrowful, my head instantly knew what she was going to do, so I shake my head. But I could see she already made up her mind, not changing it anytime soon "release my hands" she slightly demands, her tone hard and snappy, Luke unsheathes a sword from it's hilt, using it to cut the hard chains, the fall to the ground with a clutter snd in seconds Artemis is right beside me, helping me carry the sky, my arms were relieved from the weight she lifted, her arms much stronger than my own "go Pearl" she tells me, I turn my head to look at her in disbelief. "What?! No, I'm not leaving you here!" I protest "don't be stubborn Pearl, go" she demands this time, my mouth opens but Luke is the one to do something, he takes my arm harshly and throws me away from her, the lose of my grip and hold making the weight increase on Artemis's shoulders, my body slams against the floor, I stay still as no energy comes to my tired limbs to get up and fight back "ah Artemis, you're too predictable, I knew you couldn't resist the urge to help a maiden, not to mention your own niece" Atlas grins. His eyes land on me as I desperately try to get up and fight, but once again, I can't move, his eyes go to Luke with an amused chuckle "kill the girl" he commands "NO! WE HAD A DEAL!" Artemis protests immediately as I struggle to get up on my tired and burning arms, my eyes go to Luke's as his meet mine, something hidden beneath that hard and intense glare, I could recognize that look from anywhere, it was sorrow and looking for forgiveness, his eyes almost making him seem so vulnerable. I crying and wait for him to end my life right there, knowing debate was out of this situation when it came to a guy like Luke,but his sword never came near my body, it never swung, the sword didn't even swing from it's hold, his unmoving grip not letting it move "but General, she may be useful" he tries, his voice holding that vulnerability, Atlas glares at Luke like he was the bug he was trying to kill "she has no use for us, kill her" he demands again with mote authority. "She could be bait for the demigod and the one lost god" he insists, making even me question why he wanted me alive, although, a small part of me knew already, he had a lust for me, I knew this already, it was quite obvious, Atlas goes silent, but I could see Luke's words sinking slowly in "bah, fine!" He exclaims as if he was struggling to agree with Luke "board her on your ship, we'll take her to Kronos and see what he will want us to do". He instructs with a hateful sneer, Luke walks over, his eyes scanning my tired and hurting body, I struggle to get up and run away from him, he comes over snd gently picks me up in a bridal style hold, his arms warm and almost comforting, almost making me feel safe in them as I feel the muscles of his forearms gently get pushed against my skin, his muscles not flexing to my small body weight as he holds me effortlessly, looking as if I weighed like a feather. I tried hitting him, but my tired and extremely sore limbs wouldn't move, so I end up letting him carry me, not only that, his arms were slightly swaying as he carried me, my eyes already feeling droopy and heavy with tiredness, my head slightly falls, but my stubbornness doesn't let my guard go down, he chuckles, his chest vibrating against my cheek "if you're tired, just sleep, I wont hurt you" he coos evilly, I glare at him but as my eyes scan his face, they drift off, and there I was, sleeping in the arms of the traitor.

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