Chapter 57-End Well

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"She's lucky to have you" a voice like silk and filled with wonder pulled me away from when Pearl told Grover of her past, Bianca's voice bringing me away from the memories of the girl that we were trying so hard to save, my eyes downcast, not knowing what to say to such a statement "ya... Lucky" I chuckle in disbelief, not falling for any lie she was trying to tell me "don't" she warns, my eyes go back to hers, meeting the hues with such sadness "you and Pearl sacrificed so much to save me and my brother. I had never seen such bravery or selflessness, don't blame yourself, Percy, if you couldn't save her then no one could" she tells me with such emotions and support I found myself slowly falling for her words, letting them sink so far deep I couldn't go back and unearth them from my head and memory "listen, I know you're worried anout her, who wouldn't be when it comes to someone like her, but trust me on this, I've known her for only such a short period of time and I'm telling you this. She can survive whatever they throw at her and this with no hesitance or selfishness, we will find her, you will find her, she never was truly lost until she made herself seem lost, if she could have hope then in Hades's kingdom then we can have hope for her now" she tells me so boldly her words were like glue now, giving my brain the suggestion of hope I so desperately needed right now, I find myself falling in Bianca's kind words "you're right, she's not lost" I agree.

Pearl's point of view
I finished training with Luke, the training unmerciful and the teacher silent, not speaking a word unless he had some strategic responses to my fighting, but for most of the training, silence wad the plague that over room our once strong friendship, becoming tired if bothering trainng and Luke I walk out before the training was even done, only walking out after he said himself I was ready to defeat Percy Jackson, so I had the rest of the day to myself, which I cleverly spend alone in my safe room. I sat alone on my bed, fiddling with the objects that my eyes would just flicker to or stare out at the ocean for most of my free time, putting on the radio so it played softly for only for my ears to hear, right now, I was just staring at my dagger, turning it in the sunlight of the window like I had never seen such a blade, my eyes memorizing every detail about the dagger in my hand, the bronze of the blade shining in yhe sun, the edge, sharp and not yet dull from my use of it. My eyes knowing it's handle and the name carved into the side of the dagger for ownership, my eyes knowing such greek, that once my eyes caught the name, my brain immediately translated, Annabeth, daughter of Athena, my eyes read on the dagger, my mind mot knowing where I had hear such a name, not remembering a face to the daughter of Athena, my mind drifts from Annabeth, not knowing where of how I knew her, my mine growing away from her to the olive girl I saw in my dream. My head trying to pice the complicated puzzle together to figure out why I had seen or not remembered any one from the group I saw, who is she?, My curious mind questions, my hands working at the blade ro make sure it was sharp, not giving dull a change to take a firm hols on my blade, why does she look so familiar?, It questions again, creating waves in the once calm sea of my mind's, I finish mt dagger, my mind already tired from all the questions that ran a million miles a second, remembering one connection. My past finally letting me have a single connection, and I held onto it, no, not held, clung to it, seeing the memory flash and feeling some emotions other than pain, my eyes close and my mind runs, creating pictures and scenes that were jumbled over each other, one after the other they showed me faces that I had no idea belonged to, voices heard in whispers and flashes of places, my eyes shoot open, my breathing quick and my eyes wide, my mind only knowing one thing from the flashes, Tyson.
(Time skip, because why not?)
Percy's point of view
The wind kisses out hair and faces, for both were exposed to the cool and soft wind that was now hitting us at a running speed, we had been riding the Erymanthain boar for quite sometime, suddenly we stopped, our head poking out from behind the boar's head, seeing only the abandoned and neverending dessert that was now visible and seemed to stretch past the horizon, giving us false hope that our journey would be swift and quick, the boar only continuing for a break at a cactus. The boar drinking steadily from the stream while eating the cactus, we all piled off, letting the poor creature rest and fully eat, the boar motions it's head to the mountains, speaking without uttering a sound "I think it likes mountains better" I tell all of them, voicing the silent words.of the boar "can't blame it, look around" Thalia tells us, we all look to see what she was seeing, only finding I the distance a haze of blurs, the blurs looking like the illusion of water on dry land. The haze finally goes away, letting our eyes witness what it was hidding like a curtain of warmth that protected the object for suspense, my eyes widen, for it was an abandoned town, the streets looking empty and not a sound of the townspeople came from the town, almost like a ghost town  "something tells me we are not going to find a rental car there" Thalia jokes slightly, her eyes meeting Grover's from the side "don't suppose you have another boar up your sleeve?" She jokes again. He sniffs the air nervously, he grabbed some acorns from his pocket and threw them into the sand, his fingers then reaching for his pipe and his lips playing a magical tune "that's us" he explains once he was done "those five acorns are all of us" he explains "which one is me?" I ask looking to see which one held me qualities "the little deformed one" Zoe has to snap "shut up" I warn her, my eyes glaring harshly at her, warning her if she were to speak again it wouldn't end well.

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