1. Nada and Fahad

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N A D A' S  P O V

"FAHAD!?" I screamed out at top of my voice.  

"Nada. . . I know you are a witch but please, for once, have some mercy on my poor ears and stop shouting!" Fahad told me. Actually scolded me!

"Whom did you dare call a witch?!"

"Of course you." He said nonchalantly as if he had uttered nothing wrong from his good for nothing mouth. Pagal. (Stupid)

"Okay guys, calm down!" Uméma groaned, totally fed up from our conversation. Uméma is actually Fahad's sister, so she decided to join. 

Ugh. . . Why? Why did Almira force me to go home with this prick. It was Mira and Rahim's Valima (reception), finally, so it was quite late and both of them forced me to go with this idiot at home because it's unsafe to go alone at this ungodly hour. It was better if I had walked home rather than sitting inside a car whose engine is blowing smoke out as if it is smoking a real cigarette.

"YOU STUPID TAKE ME HOME RIGHTNOW!" I hollered at him out of frustration. What stupidity is this?! I am tired already!




"You and your car. Both are utterly useless." I muttered to myself.

"First of all let's not shout. And why are you acting as if you are a queen-" He was going to say something when I cut him off.

"Dude! Correction I am the Queen." I chimed in as I flipped my hair a bit for a little more effect. Yes, I am a little bit extra. But extra is the extravagant, valuable.

"Do not interrupt when I am talking." He uttered with his same boring face.

"Why? You think that you are a king of some place?"

"I don't think that it is important for me to answer you." He answered me rudely. What is his problem?!

"Ugh. . . Shut up and mend the car!" I crowed in anger and laid my head against the dashboard.

"I know it's late. It's quarter past one already."

Oh God! It's 1:15 am already? I really wanna sleep. And I guess I really did that because I was being shaken by Uméma who was continuously calling my name.

"What?" I responded groggily when suddenly pain shoot in my neck. Ouch.

"I can't find any solution to it. And there's no garage near. I guess we need to walk till the way to our homes. Anyway we just live one block apart from each other. It's not much of a big deal." Fahad explained with his stern face.

"That's it. That's the end. We are going to die. Allah is giving us punishment. We always shout and be angry at each other. And anger is haraam (prohibited). Oh God, I am not even married yet. I will die single and-" I was cut off when Fahad started to butt in.

"Shut your rambling! You were send with me so that I drop you at your home safely and how much ever hate you, I will not let anything happen to any lady who is under my care and there is Uméma also with you. So get out of the car and trust me or sit here, if you want to, I don't care." He barked, glaring at me. His words did calm me down. A bit. And even though we loathe each other I know he will do nothing wrong. I can . . . trust him.

I got out of the car and while I was checking that I have taken my phone or not this majesty decided to open their mouth.

"I am not even married yet. Idiot." He mimicked my voice, might I add that he exaggerated it. A lot.

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