29. Reality

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F A H A D' S P O V

Something was against my neck. Snuggling into me. And my finger was clutched tightly by a small fist.

I opened my eyes and moved my neck and let me tell you, it hurt. A lot. My eyes resembled a saucer to see that Nada resting her head on my shoulder and on her lap was Alizah who had my finger fisted in her small soft palms.

I checked Alizah's temperature and it was warm but still not normal. I shook Nada for to wake her up.

"Nada, get up." I whispered to her.

She mumbled something about how she wants to sleep more. And then finally she opened her eyes.

Her eyes got wide when she noticed the close proximity and that's when I realized it too. I snatched my shoulders from her and her head immediately was hanging in air.

"Fahad!" She hissed in pain.


"How insensitive you are! Such a cruel person." She narrowed her eyes at me. "And wait a minute! What are you doing here?" She questioned me.

"Oh AlizahBaby how are you feeling right now? Dang, she is kinda burning." She rambled off without given any chance to explain myself as she started talking to Alizah who had woken up from her sleep, thanks to this creature beside me form sleeping here.

"And that's why I was waking you up from you precious sleep." I reasoned out.

"I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see your face is already one." She snapped. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Oh please! You are just jealous that I am the good looking one here. Jealousy is a terrible disease. Get well soon." I retorted and she glared looking at me and I did not seen to be affected.

"What? Are you gonna hit me now?" I decided to tease her a little bit.

"No I am gonna ignore." She gave me a disappointed look.

I can see Alizah clearly enjoying the banter because she didn't cry for once.

"Look who's talking." I scoffed.

"Why are you talking like an idiot?" She questioned.

"Then how else are you supposed to understand me?" And that did shut her mouth I guess and I smiled inwardly. I have become so childish since this girl stepped into my life.

"Nada?! Have you seen your good for nothing husban-HAWWW OH MY GOD?! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!? PLEASE DONT DO ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE INFRONT OF ALIZAH?!" Here comes another drama queen, my sister, Uméma who was covering her eyes and her hands were still at the door knob.

"Slow down Ummi." "Shut up Uméma!" Nada and I both remarked simultaneously.

"It's nothing like how your stupid brain thinks." I said trying to clear her misunderstanding.

"Really?" She peeked through her fingers which were covering her face.

"Yes Ummi." Nada sighed.

"What happened? I know you guys are married, newly might I add, and all that but control yourselves, Aunt Mehek and Uncle Zoheb are still around. We decided to keep it as a secret, don't you guys remember?"

"Thanks for stating the obvious Uméma."
I said in a bored tone.

"I'll tell you what happened." Nada interrupted.

After a round of Alizah crying, Uméma gasping and kissing Alizah's cheeks saying "Aww this poor soul had to through this." We finally explained Uméma the situation.

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