19. A Long Day

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F A H A D' S  P O V

No. Nothing. We got nothing in any of the orphanage possible.

"What do we do now Fahad? This was the last orphanage from the list that we had decided to go." Nada groaned while we were walking towards my car.

"Umm let's go to the police station and inform them about Alizah." I suggested.
Somewhere some clue must be there. At least a missing report.

"Okay. But Fahad." Nada suddenly stopped at her path.

"What Nada?" I turned and asked her genuinely.

"Until they find her parents, we will keep Alizah with ourselves, okay? Please I request you. We have taken so much of risk just because of her so what's in keeping her with us till the cops find her parents. Please please please please PLEASEE!!"  She pleaded actually she was begging right now.

"Fine I never said that we won't keep her with us. We will surely do. First let's talk to the police then we can decide." I suggested her.


"Get in." I opened the door of my car for her. Come on, chivalry isn't dead yet.

"Wait Fahad." Nada halted me.


"My car is still at Target please let's go and take my car." She requested. "I have my car keys." She chimed in before I could say anything.

"You sure?" I was skeptical. Yes, I don't trust her. Not even a bit. She herself gave the reasons not to trust her.

"Yes-yes. Ask your driver to pick up your car from here." She gushed.

"If anything goes wrong then you will suffer I am telling you Nada."

"Ok I will be held responsible. Target is just at a walkable distance from here we could walk and go." She said motioning her hands to the road.

"Fine then I'll call the driver to pick my car from here." I took out my phone from my pocket.

After calling the driver, he told me that it will take fifteen minutes to reach at the place.

"Ugh! I am hungry rightnow. You wait. I am going to McDonalds." She said turning when I stopped her by holding her wrist.

"Don't go anywhere. It's not safe. I still don't trust Junaid he could do anything. You and Alizah will be with me, and anywhere I go." I dictated her sternly.

She just gave out a cry and went inside the car to sit on the backseat.

Alizah was in my hands sleeping peacefully. Ofcourse she was the main personality today. For her we had to travel all day long.


For now she was feeding Alizah her baby food inside the car and I was standing outside waiting for my driver to come.

"Whose idea was it? Mine's or yours?" I taunted. "I am also waiting with you. So shut up now. Your shouting gives me headaches." I concluded massaging my temples. She got out of the car, shutting the door with a bang, and stood beside me, glaring.

Alizah was continuously chewing something but she didn't have anything in her mouth maybe her teeth are gone come out. Her gums must be swollen I guess. 

And there was an another kid, Nada, who was constantly whining. But yes, it's been twenty minutes but still the driver hasn't come.

"Fahad I am very hungry rightnow." Nada spoke. It was barely audible. Like a whisper. She kept her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. Such a drama Queen.

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