17. Staring

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N A D A' S  P O V

Hush! Finally done with changing Alizah's diaper, clothes and feeding her. That is a really hectic task. I still can't believe I asked Fahad to dance. Lol. That stoic person doesn't even smile and here I am, asking him to dance. But it's different for Alizah though. He would do anything for her.

Today we are going to the orphanage. A step closer that Alizah will leave us. Maybe we could find her parents or maybe we could meet someone who would want her or find someone who might have left her.

Too many possibilities!

"Thank you Uméma! You really helped me. It is quite strenuous to do that." I thanked Uméma.

"Oh it's nothing. Anyway I had enjoyed listening to yours and Fahad's bickering."

"What's so amusing?"

"The way you both throw comebacks to each other. It's quite amusing."

"Oh! You should have seen Mira and Rahim. Man, they hated each other so bad. But you know, they had a understanding between them they were best friends when they were kids only the marriage thing distant them."

"Hmm. . . You and Fahad also have understanding."

"Oh puh-lease. Two swords can never fit in one sheath."

"It can. If the sheath is made a little wider for both the swords to fit in." She spoke cautiously.

"Oh my God! My little Uméma has all grown up. Talking about philosophy and stuff, haa!" I squeezed her cheeks.

"Sometimes things teach you the greatest lessons." She spoke in disdain with a sad look in her eyes. Why?

"Why? Something has happened?"

"No. Nothing. You know I like your name." She chirped.

"My name? Why? You know that it means 'nothing' in spanish?" I told her totally amused by her.

"Ya but Arabic meaning is different, right?" She asked.

"Yes. Nada means generosity in Arabic."

"Which you are." Oh my!

"Your name also have a good meaning."

"Yes Uméma means like nickname for a girl and little mother, practically it means a girl who will grow up and become a great mother. But people often write or spell 'Umeema' instead of 'Uméma' I always have to introduce myself as Uméma with single 'e' not two 'e'."

"Yes I remember meeting you for the first time and you introduced to me the same way." I recalled.

"Let's go Bhabhi (sister-in-law). I am hungry already." Bhabhi? Sounds strange but what can I do. I am her sister-in-law. Temporarily.

"Yes let's go." I took Alizah im my hands and we both exited the room for breakfast.

We went down to see Aunt Naaz and Fahad sitting at thier usual places and the servants setting the table.

I and Uméma also sat. She beside her Mom and I, beside the devil.

It is so good to see the dining table with more people because at my home only I and Mom used to eat. What must Mom be doing? I really miss her. Tomorrow I will go and meet her for sure because today it won't be possible.

Taking Alizah with me while having breakfast is a bad idea. She won't let me eat. I made her sit on my lap but she was wiggling on my lap. Snatching things from the table. She stretched her hands towards Fahad wanting him to pick up. We really need to order a high chair for her!

"I guess she wants you to pick her up, Fahad." I told to him.

He looked at Alizah and smiled. And that smile did something to me. In a strange way.

"Come here kiddo." He set his fork on his plate and took her in his hands. She nuzzled her head in his chest and rested her head. Awww so cute! Talking about only Alizah. Not someone else. No one asked you to say about whom you find cute. Oh you can shut up brain!

I started to eat when Alizah stretched her hands towards me for me to pick her up. She thinks as if it was some kind of a game. I picked her up and made her sit on my lap and started to eat. I am hungry man! Oh scratch that I am FAMISHED!

But Alizah didn't let me put anything on my plate.

"Please Babushka, let me eat." I pleaded Alizah even though she won't understand.

"Babushka? What kind of name is that." I heard certain someone muttering.

"I checked here but I couldn't find that where did I ask your opinion." I bellowed lowly, turning towards him.

"Who said I was talking to you?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

I just gave out a frustrated cry. Ugh! This stupid Fahad and my uncontrollable hunger not to forget Alizah in a whole level excitement mood. I will go crazy now.

"I guess Alizah is not letting you eat. Give her to Zara she will handle her." Aunt Naaz said referring to the maid.

"Yes please handle her until I eat my breakfast." I requested Zara.

"Oh yes please! I love kids." She said extending her hands. May Allah bless you, Zara! Now let's dig in the scrambled eggs and kulche. (Bread)

I gave Alizah to her when Alizah started crying. Zara tried to calm her down but no she was in no mood to listen.

"Oh my Cuddly Bear, why are you crying?" I cooed.

"Come to Mumma, it's okay, give her to me Zara. I'll manage. Thank you!" I took Alizah from her. I felt bad because Alizah was crying because of me.

"It's okay now you are here with me." I spoke softly wiping her tears.

I again made her sit on my lap and tried to eat.

Keyword: tried.

"Wait." Fahad interrupted and started filling my plate.

"Thank you." I replied and he looked at me for a few seconds then nodded and continued his own breakfast.

I started eating with my one hand but it didn't help. I was trying to figure out how to balance Alizah with one hand when another hand came around my hand and stabled Alizah. I looked up to see Fahad's hand around.

"What are you staring at? Eat." He uttered with a straight face. How is he capable of doing that? One minute so caring and the other minute he is making fun of me.

"Okay he is all yours Nada but for now start eating or else you will be late for going to the orphanage." Uméma interrupted between.

And I came into my senses, sheesh, I was staring at him. What's wrong with me!?

Asalamwalaikum and hello people!! Dining table scenes are my favourite ;) Stay tuned for more. Let me know how you like the chapter through comments and don't forget to vote. Until then thank you, AllahHafiz, bye and take care ^_^

Also, do share what was your favorite part of the chapter.


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