42. Jealousy

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It's not a great chapter. Just a filler. Sorry y'all!

F A H A D' S P O V

"What?" My mind fogged at her words.

"Mira, what are you saying?" Rahim questioned worriedly noticing that I have become still at my place.

"Yes Fahad and Rahim. She already has a proposal. A guy, precisely Shariq friend, is here at Aunt Ayesha's house." Mira explained calmly.

"How do you know about?" Asked Rahim.

"Cause I am at her house, stupid." Came her reply.

"Who is that idiot?! I am going to slaughter him to the death. I am coming there right now!" I rushed towards the door grabbing my car keys along.

"Meet you there, Mira. AllahHafiz." I replied to her.

"Rahim, let's go." I looked at him and we dashed towards the elevator.

Nada Fahad Sheikh, you're mine. Just mine I won't let some piece of biscuit take you away from me. That guy will have to face my wrath. How dare he?!

"This has probably gotta be your worst birthday ever." Rahim remarked from the passenger seat, beside.

"I know right. Things are just going in the worst ways ever. Who is that jerk who is going to ask Nada to marry?!"

"God knows who he is. But, whoever he is, he is not gonna be spared."

"Yes, she is already married to me. And there's no chance that she's going to be single anytime." My jaw clenched as I spoke.

"Wooooohooo." He whistled. "Here comes our rowdy Fahad! Let's me just grab some popcorn for the drama that is gonna unfold." He gave me suggestive look.

"Shut up, you idiot." I zoomed the car in full speed.

Within fifteen minutes, we were in front Nada's door.

My heart was pounding, realising that Nada was close to me.

"Jaa mere sher. Go get your love of your life." Rahim slapped my back in return I smiled at him. (Come on, tiger)

"God knows what chaos is gonna happen. But one thing is for sure that whatever happens, I won't move an inch without Nada with me." I stated as Rahim wolf-whistled. He's been doing that a lot lately.

"Look at that car. Maybe that is that stupid guy's car." Rahim exclaimed as I parked my Tesla near a classy sports car.

"No, that is Shariq car. That stupid guy is Shariq friend maybe he came with him, didn't you hear what Mira said." We got out of the car and walked towards the door.

"Oh yaa, I remember."

"Here goes nothing." I sighed as I rang the bell.

The door opened to reveal Mira.

"Oh, here comes the lover boy! Now, you remember that you have a wife." She exclaimed sarcastically. "The number of times you've made Nada cry infuriates me." She gritted her teeth at me. "YOU!" She threw her punch at me which was swiftly caught by Rahim.

"Mira, why are you always trying to kill Fahad every time you see him?" He caught her by waist. Even I want to know that. God knows what she would have done to me if it was not Rahim to rescue me every time she launched to beat me to pulp.

"Mira, you can beat me how much ever you want but not now. Right now just tell me where is Nada?" I asked her frantically.

"For now, I am leaving you. Nada's inside. Come." She moved aside to let us in.

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