7. Psychopath

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F A H A D' S P O V

Numbness. That's what I felt when I heard Alizah crying, Mira's loud cries to give Alizah back to her and Nada, I didn't hear anything from her. Nothing at all. And that is what dreads me the most because she can never shut her mouth. What would have happened? And after a few minutes I didn't hear anything from the other side.

It all started when I and Rahim were in the car when both of ours phone rang. I picked up the phone to see an Nada calling me and saw Mira's name flashing on Rahim's cell phone. We both picked up our phones as soon as possible and when I talked to Nada she sounded so scared and just whispered me to track her phone. But she didn't cut the call. I guess the phone is still with her because I could still hear the voices from the other side about a man and Alizah crying.

"Dude! We need to get them!!" Rahim said getting panicked.

"We both got a call at the same time. And at the last Nada told me to track her phone and after that I couldn't hear anything from Mira and Nada just Alizah's cries." I said coming out of my thoughts.

"Yes! When I picked it up Mira told that she couldn't find Alizah. And then her phone abruptly got cut or something or it fell."

"It means that three of them are in danger, Rahim. WE NEED TO FIND THEM!"

"Let's track Nada's number." With that said we did everything as fast as possible.

After tracking the phone from the app. We got the address and we drove there as soon as possible. Rahim was driving like a maniac but I didn't complain because if would have drove our car would already have got into an accident.

The whole way to that destination I was worried about what would be happening? Thinking about Alizah, Mira and Nada too. I got attached to Alizah very quickly, even if it were only few days I had been taking care of her. Mira also got kidnapped and I don't know why did they kidnap her? She is the second sister to me. Always helping me out and laughing with me. And Nada. She is the girl who infuriates me the most but in this situation anything could happen and I too slightly care abut her. *Ahem* Slightly.

When we reached the destination it was not a typical cliche warehouse but a two storey house.

"Let's go." I whispered to Rahim and he nodded.

When we entered the living room that's where the scene was angering me the most.

Mira and Nada were tied to the chairs with rugs around their mouth and Alizah was in the hands of a man. And the other four men were standing in the corners.

"So you are the mother. Hmm. . . I see." A man, who had Alizah with him, who was not dressed in uniform came inside the room, snarled. The other four men were in same clothes or uniform.

He roughly held Nada's jaw and asked "So who's the dad? Where is he? Or is he not coming after borrowing money from and ran away?!" That made me nothing but more angry.

Rahim nudged me and raised his eyebrows but I just shrugged my shoulders.

Who is this man? And who borrowed his money? Why is he saying all this?

"I am her father. And when did I borrow your money?" I gritted my teeth at him and everybody's head snapped in my direction and even Alizah who was now stretching her hands towards me to pick her up.

"You borrowed the money. From my brother. He is no more. He died because you couldn't pay the debt on time and he was shot by the man whom my brother borrowed money just to help you pathetic creatures. But I am alive and before dying he told me showing this baby's picture that the father of her has borrowed the money."

He never saw his wife, but her eyes." He pointed at Alizah. "Matches with her." He pointed Nada. "No doubt that she is this kid's mother (Nada) and he thought you, the father, would disguise to get save so he showed me her (Alizah's) picture and asked me to hunt her parents. TELL ME WHEN WILL YOU RETURN THE MONEY?" He screeched and that made everybody flinch and even Alizah. You are so dead man!

"What proof do you have that he is the father?" Rahim asked that man motioning towards me.

"Hey you dimwit he himself." He pointed at me. "Committed that he is her father and her mother is here too. GIVE ME BACK THE MONEY OR ILL SHOOT THE THREE OF THEM HERE!" He shouted pointing guns at Nada, Mira and Alizah.


"I don't care. They must have adopted her or found her on the road. Blah blah blah. I don't care. I just want my money. Heck with them." The man said nonchalantly.

I looked at Nada who was tied there with pleading eyes telling me to listen that man and save Alizah.

"Fine. What's the amount?" I spoke.

"800 K." He said out loud.

That's a big amount. What did that guy do with that amount?

"Fine we will pay first let them free." I looked up at him.

"No. I don't trust you. You and your wife will sign the contract till you guys return my whole money." He instructed looking at Nada.

"I don't have a wife but." I muttered.

"Huh? Then who is she? I want the guarantee that you both will pay me. If you guys aren't married then what proof I will have. What if one of you runs away. Or both of you do that. I want a marriage certificate which will stay with me. And anyway you said that you are this baby's father and I heard her telling she is the mother of this baby at the mall."


"Hey you! First leave them all. Then we will talk. We are listening everything that you are saying so you are also expected to do the same." Rahim interrupted.

"Dont. Even.Try. To. Run. Away! You get that?" He said and freed Nada and Mira.

Nada rushed and stood beside me. And Mira ran and gave Rahim a tight hug.

"Fahad. Thank you so much." Nada said tears rolling down her eyes.

"It's okay. I did it for Alizah and Mira too." I said and she turned her head away.

"Hey you power couples if you all are done you both sign the contract and the marriage certificate. Come on." The man, who is still unknown to me, said.

What have I got myself into?

"No. Marrying each other is not the solution. We can't marry each other for money issues." Nada looked really helpless.

"Okay fine I'll shoot her brains." The man said and placed gun on Alizah's forehead who was still crying.

"NO!" All of us shouted at once.

"Fine then. I am going to call the Imam (priest) I know you guys are muslim and make the contract. Yes I am know all this marriage stuff. Until then enjoy your single life. Your half an hour starts here now. Bye. Oh by the way I forgot to tell you guys my name, its Junaid." Junaid looked at us briefly and disappeared to another room not before instructing his men to keep an eyes on us.

"What are we gonna do?" Mira turned to look at us.

"He has already left to call the Imam. Think fast." Rahim urged.

"Yes we are also thinking. We can still call police. You also think star-" Nada was talking when I cut her off.

"I think we have to marry each other."

Asalamwalaikum and Hello people!! It took a long time to write this chapter because it was a tough one. Anyway comment and vote. Until then thank you, AllahHafiz, bye and take care ^_^

Also, do share what was your favorite part of the chapter.


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