18. Blush?

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N A D A' S  P O V

I finally continued eating my breakfast. Too many hindrance happened.

"We should get a high chair for Alizah." Aunt Naaz suggested. Yes yes yes!

"Actually. I will order right now." Fahad spoke from beside me.

"Or you guys don't want one?" Uméma wiggled her eyebrows at our hands.

"Uméma shut your mouth before I put ketchup in your cereal." Fahad warned her. Ew, ketchup in cereals?!

"I am done now. You can give Alizah to me." Fahad stood up.

He took Alizah from me but she had my hair tightened in her fist. God no, please it pains a lot.

Why does she like my hair so much?!

"Oof- Alizah my hair, baby, leave them." I hissed in pain.

I tried to freed them but she was in Fahad's hand who was standing and I was still sitting. So I decided to get up, but before I could do that Fahad leaned at my level and helped me to remove Alizah's hand from my hair with his one hand.

And you ask me what was I doing? I was busy staring in his carmel-coloured eyes. Those chocolatety swirls as brown and dark as coffee. Man! I am such pervet. Ew Nada. I snapped out of my thoughts when Fahad stood up.

"Eat fast. We need to go, you dullard." He taunted me and walked away.

"You are a dullard, not me!" I said enough for him to hear, still flabbergasted from the previous position.

"Everybody knows the truth." He spoke arrogantly and I scoffed at his words and resumed eating as he left from there.

"I can see you falling hard for him." Aunt Naaz started and left the dining table with a smile.

"What?" I screeched with utter disgust.

"Yes. It's visible." Uméma piped in.

"What is visible?" I questioned confusedly.

"The rosy pink colour on your cheek called blush." She grinned widely.

I, involuntarily, touched my cheek.

"It doesn't feel it is only visible." Uméma continued.

"Uméma! Stop teasing me now. It's nothing like what you and Aunt Naaz are saying." I whined.

"Ohkay. By the way you are doing right. All the best. I know you guys are not going for a war but whatever your guys' motive is I wish you luck for that. Bye now I am going for class now."

"Thank you. And classes on Saturday too?" I asked her.

"Yes. Interior-designing studies just makes me crazy that's why I have extra classes. AllahHafiz (parting greeting of Muslims. Basically means let God be with you) now." She bid her goodbye and went off. Wow! A lawyer. That's so good. I wanted to become one but my father always wished me to become a professor. So I decided to become a professor, going graduate soon, my Dad asked me to take anything I wanted but I knew he wanted me to become a professor so I became a professor and taught English Literature and Language to students and now I like it. Actually scratch that I love it.

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