31. The Usual Banter

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N A D A' S  P O V

Physics was never my cup of tea, that's why I decided to persue a degree in English and here is Fahad who has clasped my wrist in his left hand forcing me to say 'Newtons third law'.

"How and why am I supposed to remember what Newton thinks of things?! It was his law so go and ask him." I gritted my teeth at him out of frustration.

"Or you could just commit that you're a one brainless girl." Fahad teased. Nerve of this guy!

"FAHAD HAMMAD SHEIKH HOW DARE YOU?!" I leaped towards him to throw the fork at him which was lying at the table when I noticed his hand was still unattended.

"Fahad the burn." I gasped at the sight. The burn has turned worse.

"You are a hypocrite, calls me one but you yourself are one."

"Here I am being nice to you and you have problem in that too? I am bringing the first aid kit, be disciplined for once and sit down, stupid." I instructed him.

"Call me stupid again I dare you." What? I said so many other things and he just focused on that particular word. Extreme facepalm.

"If that's what you want to hear then yes you're a stupid!" I shouted.

"That's right stupids do why they're told to." He sniggered and started laughing.

"That's it why am I even wasting my time? I am going bye." I said and turned away.

"Ok." *Laugh* "I am sorry." *Laugh*. He was laughing, like a real laugh. And that somewhat made me happy too. As he was laughing, his eyes got scrunched, his light brown hair following his every move and his white pearl like teeth were on display. It was a sight to witness, when I realised I have been staring for too long I rushed towards the room.

What the heck was I imagining? Or was I under some spell? It seemed like that. My subconscious piped in.

No, I am just imagining things. I went towards Alizah to check her temperature and she was fine now sleeping in the middle room of the bed, surrounded by pillows, just like a princess she is. I leaned down to kiss her forehead and she moved to the other side. Aww so cute.

I turned back to see the door opening and Fahad coming inside with a first aid box in his hand.

I ignored him and went towards the dressing table and started combing my hair which were a nice cherry black colour, not trynna flex. I could feel his gaze following my every move, he was looking at me as if I ate his last chocolate left.

He huffed and sat at the bed, trying to dress his burn of his right hand, this time I was the one staring at him. I noticed that he wasn't able to do that with his left one.

"Wait! That's not how you're supposed to do it." I moved towards him and applied the ointment.

"Isn't it hurting you?" I asked flinching at the sight of the burn which was turned into a small blister. It looked really bad.

"Nope." He said nonchalantly.

"But it is, to me." I muttered.


"Uh- I w-was just saying that if you hadn't show me your attitude and let me heat the food this all wouldn't have happened." I stammered trying to bandage it as soon as possible.

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