6. Stressed

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N A D A' S  P O V

"Guys why didn't you tell us at that time itself?" Rahim's voice boomed through the whole room. Mira covered up Alizah's ears so that she doesn't loose her eardrum.

"Talk in a low pitch Rahim! Alizah is sleeping now." Mira scolded him.

"Rahim for God sake, it was your reception and you expect us to disturb you on that day?" Fahad questioned sarcastically.

"Since when did you start thinking about formalities?" Rahim enquired folding his hands against his chest.

"Rahim at that time we couldn't think of anything. So at that time we did what we think was right." I tried tor reason out.

"Yes if I were in your place I would have done the same too." Mira joined me.

"You girls are way too sentimental." Fahad remarked looking at Mira and I.

"And emotional. I think we should inform the cops, they will help us to find her parents." Rahim gazed at Alizah.

"But please till they find her parents we will keep her with us. Please?" I pleaded and pulled of the best puppy eyes I could. Ugh, so cringeworthy. 

"Fine you can. What's the harm in that?" Rahim looked at Fahad.

"What? Rahim are you serious?!" Fahad roared. Appointment to be taken  at a Otorhinolaryngologist, for my ears.

"Then where do we give her, huh?" I glared him.

"You, shut up don't speak in this matter." What does this guy even think of himself? He seriously need to be put down at his place.

"I will. I will speak because that night that lady gave Alizah to both of us not alone you, you dimwit!"

"Shut it! Please both of you! Let Alizah be with us and you both go and inform the cops." Mira said to Rahim and Fahad.

"Fine we are going. Take care of her." Fahad informed and left not before kissing Alizah's cheek. How could this guy be rude and arrogant in one minute and be all cute and generous in the very next minute? Someone please answer. Even Google will not be able to find answer to this.

"Yes. We will also go. We need to buy clothes for Alizah too." As soon I declared that Fahad stopped walking.

"No! You won't go." He turned behind.

"Why?!" I asked him getting all mad at him. I don't get this bloke. Correction: This Idiot bloke.

"Because I said so." Came his short reply.

"What? And you think I will listen to you?!" I scoffed and dragged Mira with me who had Alizah in her hands. "I am going for shopping to buy some clothes for Alizah with Mira. Meet us directly at where we ask to. I will do what I want to not what I am supposed to." I finished my long speech not before giving a menacing glare to Fahad.

"Take care of yourselves girls!" Rahim said cautiously.

"Yes we will you also go and inform us about the happenings." Mira told him.

"Please Mira take care of Alizah because I don't trust your pathetic excuse of friend." Fahad butted in and I gasped at him. At this I threw the paperweight at him which my friends was swiftly caught by Fahad.

"Take care of yourself too." He continued giving his lecture to Mira.

"And you, you can die please." He turned towards me and said.

"I DIDNT ASK FOR YOUR OPINIONS YOU IDIOT!" I was going to say more when Mira pushed me with her elbow.

"Psycho what does he thinks of himself? Can talk utter nonsense and thinks that I will obey? Huh! Not even in his nightmares will that ever happen." I muttered once we were in the lift.

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