33. Harsh Reality

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F A H A D' S  P O V

We were now back to our way home, after the all the shopping we did.

"Alizah! Alizah! Alizah! Aliiiiizahhh!" I heard Nada chant beside me and to that tune Alizah also started dancing on her lap and they both of them started laughing.

One unique girl she is.

"Nada! Can you stop shouting?!" I spoke irritatedly.

"No Fahad! Why ask when you know my answer would be obvious?" She gave me a sour look in return.

"Actually why did I even attempt to stop you." I huffed.

"I am making memories." She said in a grim tone.


"Yes with Alizah and also with you." She mumbled the last part. "Because someday I have to leave her."

Those words hit me hard. I never thought about it practically. Of course one day everything will be over!

"Uh yeah."

"Hmm." She muttered when I saw tears forming in her eyes. Was she crying?

"Nada wh-" I was going to console her when she cut me off.

"But now I have time. I will make as much as memories I can." She quickly turned her head.

"Alizah? Are our eyes really that different or weird that everybody asks whether I have worn lenses. Today also that employee at the cash counter asked the same." She said talking to Alizah.

"Let me interrupt, but don't call your eyes weird they are not h-"

"Why? You must have not even noticed them even once." She snapped.

"Wait! Who told you that?" I asked.

"Then why did you never ask me about the whether I have worn lenses or not?"

"Because I always thought that they are natural. I still do. Of course this, your eye color, was a color which I have never see of course Alizah's too. But, never ever the thought even passed that they might not be real." That seemed to shut her mouth because she didn't speak after that.

We soon reached our home when another car drove in the driveway. That another car was Rahim's.

I got out to see Mira and Rahim getting out of the car.

"Rahim? Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you)." I greeted, when someone beside him cleared their throat.

"Yeah, yeah Assalamualaikum Mira." I greeted her.

"Walaikumasalam (Peace be upon you too)." The both greeted.

I looked behind to see Nada struggling to open the door. I rushed towards her and opened the door for her.

"One day you will fall down with Alizah due to your clumsiness." I scolded her as Nada decided to keep quiet and casted her eyes downward. What happened to her? She is behaving strange today.

"Miraaaaaa?! Assalamualaikum!" I heard Nada squeal and rushed towards Mira.

"Nada slow down! You might fall." That didn't not effect her. She nevertheless went and hugged her best friend.

"Oh my God! Slow down my niece might get crush between us." Mira parted from the hug.

"Assalamualaikum Rahim boy!" Nada beamed.

"Walaikumasalam Mrs. Nada Fahad Sheikh." He greeted back. That sounded go- Wait no nothing!

"Rahim! Imma give you a slap now!" She threatened him.

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