5. Couple Goals?

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N A D A' S P O V

I was missing her. A lot. It's been only few days since I left Alizah with Fahad and I was already missing her. So I decided to meet her. Well why not?

Wait, Nada! Don't you think that you are missing something?


I really need to tell her. I was going to call but thought not to because she must be tired or bust as it was not even a week since her reception. I was debating whether to call or not when my phone dragged me out of the dilemma, by ringing.

I looked at the phone to see Mira, my best friend calling. You see, the best friend connection. I answered it as soon as possible.

"Asalamwalaikum (peace be upon you) Miraaaaa." I said with extra enthusiasm. I love her man! She is my bestest friend if that's even a word in the dictionary if not then I invented one. She's practically my soulmate.

"Walaikumasalam (peace be upon you too) Nadaaa." She replied with the same energy and chuckled.

"So how was everything at the reception?" I asked her. I needed to ask her as I didn't get time before to ask.

"It was good, everything was how it was supposed to be." She answered.

"Hmm. . . Afterall who was the planner of all this stuff? Your best friend." I jabbered acting all cool.

"And Rahim's best friend too. Fahad." She piped in.

"Ugh! Was it important to include him?" I grumbled against the speaker.

"Come on, you know I ship you guys. Anyway thank you Nada the function went very well. Higher than our expectations." She gushed with joy.

"Aww. . . No need to thank me, anyway I was bored with doing nothing and our graduation is also one or two week later and we don't even have our college, so I decided why not utilise my free time." I suggested. It's been a week only and I already want to meet Mira. She comes in my daily routine.

"Ok. Mira listen I wanna tell you something very important. Where are you?" I got serious in the next second.

"Oh my God! You finally fell in love with Fahad. Yaasss atleast forcing you to go home with him didn't go waste." She rambled off.

"No. You idiot! I am not in love with that maniac and will never be. You first tell me where are you know?"

"Umm. . . I was going to Rahim's office he said he is in some trouble so come in with some diapers." She sounded very confused. Oh God please don't tell me that Fahad took Alizah with him to the office.

Ofcourse Fahad must have brought Alizah with him to the office.

"Fine I'll be picking you up in fifteen minutes near Target be ready we'll go together. I also wanted to tell you something important."

"Okay then tell me as soon as we meet, bye AllahHafiz." (Muslims parting greeting, meaning God be with you)


I informed Mom about me going to Fahad's office and packed some baby food and milk for Alizah, in case she was hungry, as diapers were going to be brought by Mira I didn't carry those with me.

Within minutes I found Mira standing near Target with a bag in her hands which according to me were diapers.

She came sat inside and I started the engine.

"Why did he ask me to bring diapers?" Mira mumbled in confusion.

"I know the reason."

"What is it?"

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