30. Back To Normal

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N A D A' S P O V

It hurt. A lot. Hearing his words. Why did he have to be so rude? And the worst part is that I felt bad when I snapped at him. But why am I feeling this way? I shouldn't be. Before also I used to fight but now some things have changed.

And I started realising that when Fahad announced everybody that I am his wife, it gave me little satisfaction. I knew he didn't mean that at all but still he stood up for me. I know that I should not be feeling this way.

And now his words, pierced my heart.

"Uméma please hold Alizah." I requested Uméma. I don't know why my voice was quivering. She took Alizah from me.

"Dear, he didn't mean all that." Aunt Naaz consolidated.

"No Aunt, every time he cannot come talk to me like that and go away." I tried saying as polite as I can be. I don't want to be rude to her because of her stupid son.

"No! Actually it's because of me! He has became like that!" She cried.

"Mom! It's not your fault." Umèma kept her hand on Aunt's shoulder.

"Why are you saying like that Aunt?" I said wiping my cheek, which I didn't know when they got wet.

"Yes, my son wasn't like that before. It all happened when his father divorced me a month ago." She continued and I gasped.

"Yes Nada I remember you asking me that what changed in him. The divorce changed him. He has given up on the concept of 'love'." Uméma said when a tear escaped from her eye.

"I- d-didn't know." I mumbled.

"From his childhood his father never used to come home my children used to see their father twice or thrice a year. I knew he wasn't interested in us and he did find someone else, but every time I used to tell my children, convince my children, that their father loves them. But in reality he left us on our own. Fahad knew that it was unfair but he believed my words and loved his father dearly. Then he grew up, started earning and now my son has grew up his own faculty. His perspective changed when his father came and divorced me which happened a month ago. That was the last straw. Before, he had a little ray of hope that his father would come back but after the divorce his whole demeanour changed." She said breaking down. God, I never knew their misery.

Guilt is all I felt, I never knew his backstory, yet I said all those words to him. Such an idiot I am.

"I am sorry Aunt. I hurt your son. I am sorry." I said which came out as a whisper.

"It's okay." She said smiling through her tears. "Actually it was his duty to confront his wife about his past."

"Huh wife?" I scoffed. "He doesn't even consider me as a sane person, wife is way long."

"Allah has the most beautiful plans." Aunt Naaz said and sauntered in her room. I decided to say something against it but I thought to shut my mouth.

"I still ship you guys." Uméma said wiping her tears, which made both of us chuckle. This girl is still pretends that nothing happened.

"Remember one thing. I love you. You can always share your problems with me." I hugged her trying not to crush Alizah in between. I felt like doing that. We pulled back when Uméma had tears in her minty blue eyes. Her smile said a lot of words which her mouth couldn't comprehend the words.

After that I went inside my room, I miss my Mom and Dad. Very much. I called my Mom and talked to her and I felt very nice talking to her.

Then I remember it's Alizah's lunch time.

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