11. Truce

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N A D A' S P O V

"Dear, come here, I want to give you some things." Aunt Naaz called me.

"Yes, Aunt what happened?" I asked her.

"First of all you should stop calling Mom as aunt she is your mom too." Uméma came and put her hands around my shoulders.

"Ya... buy only temporarily." I muttered and Uméma looked at me with a sad smile.

"Please don't bring that whole temporary-thing up again and again." She said sounding upset.

"But that's the reality. You should know this from day one Uméma so that it won't hurt much at the last." I drawled.

"But it will hurt everyday whenever I will see you that you won't be my sister-in-law forever." She pouted.

"Ok girls quit the emotional talk. I have to give some things to my daughter-in-law now." Aunt Naaz dragged me inside her room.

"So let's be a little cliche and talk about the jewellery stuff. This is a gold necklace which was given to me by my mother-in-law." She said picking up a beautiful golden chain with the prettiest pendant ever.

"Oh my God that is so beautiful but I don't think that I deserve it uh...Mom." I sputtered, slightly ashamed of all this.

"You call me Mom and the very next second you make me feel I am unknown to you."

"No-no I mean...actually uh...I didn't mean that. I meant that the real daughter-in-law who will come after I go would deserve this." I elaborated making my points clear.

"I highly doubt that." I heard her murmuring. Nice fantasy.

"Ok fine. But please till the time wear it. It's my wish to see my daughter-in-law in this. Afterall, after a long time some happiness is back in this house." She said sounding a little sad. Huh? What? Happiness? Back?  Ugh...too many question marks.

"And also this." She said taking out another necklace.

"This from my side. It's mine but I want to give this to you." She said taking out another pendant which had 'Sheikh' written on it. It was a little short than the other one. This one reached below my collar bones and that one was more longer.

"But I will be wearing this only till I am in this house." I clarified and she nodded at me.

"MOM?!" I heard Fahad shouting.

Ugh...this devil.

"Let's check why your husband is calling me. Wear them now." She said and got up and I internally scoffed when she said 'husband'. Eww..it sounds so bad because of Fahad.

I wore my necklaces and they looked so beautiful on me. But I am not the real owner of this. I should keep that in my mind.

I strolled back to the living area to see a frustrated Fahad with a crying Alizah in his hands and Aunt Naaz not present there.

"Hey! You again made her cry, you merciless devil." I shouted at him, who scoffed at my words.

"Look who is talking about devils." He scoffed.

"Oh shut up."

"You shut up."

"No. You will."

"No. You will."



At this Alizah started crying more louder.

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