8. Demon

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N A D A' S  P O V

There, I said it, now I am a married woman. I didn't get to even inform my mother that her only daughter is now a wife someone. Married to a man.

When Fahad first declared that we have to marry each other I got really furious. But later the Muslim judge who was along with the Imam became my Wali [Male relative/agent of the bride] in this Nikah [marriage ceremony/contract] cause I have no brother or father or anyone from my paternal side who would be my wali. Me and my Mom had thought about this and she told me that a Muslim judge will be wali. So, we already informed the Imam to bring along a Muslim judge along with him.

Also another companions also came along the Muslim judge to our witnesses.
However, this situation made me understand the situation that if we don't get married to each other then Alizah's life would be in danger because this psychopath, Junaid, would not hesitate killing Alizah or maybe all of us.

And it was my decision wholly and rightfully to agree on this marriage. I could have denied too but I myself wanted to. And anyway, Fahad isn't too bad, maybe I could get some liking towards him ahead.

[A/N: This is not a forced marriage people! Nada had a choice to refuse but she herself agreed to it to save Aliza and thinking that probably Fahad and she would fit in for the future.]

Please Allah bless him (Junaid) with some brain and mercy so he has some sense. I was really adamant to not marry Fahad I mean who marries someone just like this but I had to see the sensitivity of the situation and make decision.

"Congratulations! Now that you guys have signed the marriage certificate lets go to the other room and celebrate." Junaid's voice boomed.

What the heck? He seriously needs to get admitted in an asylum.

Oh God! What is happening? How did my life take such a huge turn?!

"Its okay Nada. Everything will be fine. You have me and everybody else. And this idiot, Junaid, will suffer. Allah is watching everything. Now too he (Junaid) is urging us to go into another room and sign the contract because he don't want to disclose his disgusting character to the Imam. Or else the Imam will take some action against him. How does this kind of people even exist?!" Mira said exasperated by the situation.

"I don't know what will Mom and Aunt Naaz say. My Mom will disown me after hearing that I went and got married without even bothering to even inform her." I cried burying my head in my hands.

"No, Nada. Aunt Ayesha is a very sensible woman. Make her understand the situation. She will understand. I will make her understand about all this drama." Mira tried to comfort me.

"Mira! Come here! Mom wants to speak to you." Rahim called her.

"I'll be back soon. You go and wait for me and Rahim in that other room. Okay?" She said to which I nodded.

I got up and went to the other room and again sat with my head in my hands. Atleast one thing is good that Alizah's life is saved. She is right now with Fahad. Junaid said that as soon as we sign the marriage certificate he will hand Alizah to us and now it was time for signing the contract. This much big amount how will we both, Fahad and I, will return him (Junaid)?! Of course that money which we never borrowed.

I also had decided to pay him the money. Of course she was given to both of us so we both will return the money together. For her we had married each other so paying the money is nothing compare to that.

I was lost in the thought and was brought back to reality when some kept their hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Fahad. This was the first time he had touched me.

I straightened my dress and sat properly.

"See I have decided that we will be married only till we find Alizah's real parents and give her to them and we pay the money. After this we both are free to divorce to each other and live how we want to." He said in a one go.

So easy for him to say that.

"But what if her parents have already died?" I asked him taking Alizah from his hands who was sleeping peacefully. Poor girl. Her life was in danger. Why a barely year old child have to face this? Who are her cruel parents?

"Then we give to a person or a couple who are willing to adopt her. Until then we do what we had decided one week with you and one week with me."

Yes! That a good decision like that we would be able to get our space too.

"Okay done. I agree on all the terms but how are we gonna tell our parents?"

"We tell them the truth."

"Huh?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? MY MOM WILL. . . . UGH I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT WILL SHE DO?!" I screamed at him at which Alizah flinched and I rocked her back which made her sleep again. Man she can sleep in any situation.

"Stop shouting, you mad woman. And I wont lie. Nothing goes right on the basis of lie." He pressed.

"Fine then we will tell them together. I wont face my mother's wrath alone."

"Coward." I heard him mutter.

"What? What did you say? If you are brave enough then say it in a louder voice."

"I said coward. And I dont think that anything is wrong in that." He said confidently.

"I think that you should say coward in front of a mirror it will be more suitable then." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You don't tell me what to do and what not."

"I will say because if you are not forgetting that I am your wife now. So its my right to advice my husband. I cant change the reality, the truth, that I am your wife now. So you can buger off." By the time I completed my speech Fahad was glaring at me. If looks could kill I would be dead already.

"You!" He spat and clutched my arm.

"Don't you dare tell me to buger off! Get that?" He gritted his teeth angrily at me.

"What if I do?" I shouldn't have said that but I still did because this is Nada Maham Hashmi we are talking about uh sorry Nada Fahad Sheikh now.

"Stop testing my patience Nada!"

"No, you stop it! What has happened to you Fahad? What has changed in you? One month ago you were nothing like this but now, you have become a demon." I said.

"Guess what? You have married this demon. So bare with it." He snapped at me and walked away taking Alizah along with him.

Realisation hit me. Like a train.

True, he is a demon and I am stuck now.

Asalamwalaikum and hello people! How was the chapter? Let me know through the comments and don't forget to vote. Until then thank you, AllahHafiz, bye and take care ^_^

Also, do share what was your favorite part of the chapter.


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