4. The Explanation

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N A D A' S P O V

"Ughhh. . . You idiot this is not how you are supposed to hold her. What do you know? Nothing." I scolded harshly to Fahad.

"Shut your irritating voice! I am holding Alizah way better than you. Actually you know nothing." He gritted his teeth at me. Why is he so rude? Like whyyyyyy?

"Now, you, AliBoo whom do you like most? Huh? This devil." I pointed out at him with a disgusting face. "Or this angel?'' I pointed out at myself with a bright smile. Well, I am biased. Guess I seriously talk too much. I cringed at myself. Ugh that was so cringe-worthy but things you have to do for giving comebacks to your enemy.

"What is AliBoo?" The good for nothing person opened his mouth.

"A stoic person like you will never know these kind of things. It's a nickname, you dummy." I rolled my eyes at him.

"If you know nothing about me. Then don't assume." He said sternly and turned to the other side.

Huh? What happened to him? To be honest, I have actually noticed some changes in him.

Previously when we met first time at Rahim & Mira's Ruksati he was full of life also at the office when he and Rahim, his best friend and Mira's husband, pranked Mira and me and not to forget when Mira and Rahim were almost divorced, he was such a chill person and always the laid back one. But know something's off with him.

Anyway what do I know about him? I haven't met him since one month, like usually too if I would go at Mira's house, he used be there eating all the dishes made by Rahim's Mom and chilling with Rahim, but since a month he hasn't been seen there too. However, who cares about this Mr-I-get-moodswings-all-the-time. Huh. I guess mood swings are messing him up.

"Come on. Let's go." I heard my Mom's voice, finally she came after locking the door.

"Yes. Let's go." I moved forward followed by Mom, Fahad and Alizah.

We reached at Fahad's house. The whole way my Mom constantly interrogating both of us and played with Alizah too. I told you my Mom loves kids.

"Come on. Now it's your turn to ring the bell. Come on." I urged him turning towards Fahad.

"And this time Alizah is also not in your hands, she is with Mom. So come on." I gave him a victorious smile.

"Such a bad person you are." He remarked narrowing his eyes at me.

"Umm...Maybe, but not worse than you." I glared.

"Fine whatever." He finally ranged the bell.

The door flew open and Aunt Naaz opened the door.

"Faddy? Where were you? Oh and Ayesha how are you and Nada you both are here too at this hour. What happened? Is everything alright?" She was really overwhelmed of our sudden-presence. Yes she is our neighbor and I didn't know that Fahad was her son until I got to know him on Rahim and Mira's Ruksati. I just knew that my mother visited some lady in the neighbourhood which was Aunt Naaz.

Even though she looked old she didn't fail to prove that she was a beautiful woman in her time.

"And whose is this little munchkin?" Aunt Naaz was surprised looking at Alizah who was already looking at her with wide eyes.

"She is Alizah." Fahad and I said together. Then I turned to glare at him who was already glaring at me.

"Huh? Don't tell me it's your both's? Fahad how could you?" She gasped. Why are Moms so dramatic? First my Mom and now Aunt Naaz too. Help me out God.

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