43. Persuasion

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F A H A D' S  P O V

"Nada." I whispered her name looking at her. She was climbed up on a ladder to get something from the top of her cupboard.

"Fahad." She squealed as she turned behind to look at me, probably got startled and almost fell down. However, me being the knight in shining armour I am I saved her by steading her.

I was so lost in her that I didn't even realise that she had freed herself from my arms and stepped two feet apart. Why the distance, baby?

"Nada." I called out her name.

"What are you doing her? That too in my room?" She looked behind me anxiously.

"Why? I can't be alone with you in a room? Everything's halal (religiously legal) baby." Baby? Did I just say that? I could see that her already flushed cheeks were turning into a rose pink.

She started to look here and there trying to avoid my eyes.

"Nada." I took her hands in mine. "I-I am really sorry of my behaviour. You don't know about what happened that day. Please forgive me. Since you left, I have been feeling empty, my room has been feeling empty. Everybody has reminded me that you were planning something for my birthday. I also read the letter and was shocked that how could you be such a sweet girl. I am glad that a girl like you is my wife." I poured my heart out to her.

She looked up at me and stared at me into eye, "Why are you giving me false hope. I had already made my heart understand that if fairytales were true then I'd end up with you." Her green emerald eyes shined with glassy tears. "Also, apology, declined." She spat at me removing my grip from her hands.

I didn't know what to say, my heart couldn't take her negative response. I gotta reap what I sow.

"Nada, please tell me what has happened?"

"Still ask me that? Someone had told me that, you shouldn't be that good to anyone they will never know your worth. Guess what? I am realising it now." I remember that those were my words I had said to her.

"Look, it's your birthday today. Don't make it a bad one." She went back to arranging her things in the cupboard.

"It will be the best one if you forgive me. And if you don't, then it's already a worst one." Her back was facing me as she picked her things from the bag, which probably was brought by Uméma.

"Here." Nada forwarded a box, still not facing me.

I took the box from her and opened it to see a emerald green silk tie with a pair of cuff links.

"I had bought this for you a long time ago. But you didn't give me one good reason to gift it you. But still, I am giving it to you cause I have no use of it." I kept looking back and forth at the tie and her. Where is my old Nada? You changed her.

"Uh, I know it's not your favourite color. You can just dump it if you want cause Rahim told me that your favourite color is grey when I had asked about it. You-"

"No! My favourite is color is green. Particularly this shade cause it matches your eye color. Emerald green color became my favourite one, the moment I fell in love with your eyes." I slowly walked towards her, closing the distance between.

"Why?" She whispered looking up at me. "Why are you making things more difficult than they already are. Yo-"

"I love you." I finally said it. "I love you a lot!"

I was going to say more things but the commotion outside didn't let me. Nada gave me a brief glance at me with her teary eyes and walked past me when I held her hand making her halt in her steps. "Why are crying now?"

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