32. Doomed

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N A D A' S P O V

It has been five days since that incident has happened when I and Fahad both confronted each other and in these five days, I noticed something about myself. Which was: I had got some liking towards Fahad. I just couldn't stop staring at him. You've been doing that since a long time. My brain had to argue. I couldn't stop appreciating and admiring him. And I am mad at myself for doing that.

Like who wouldn't be?

From past days I have been noticing him a lot, glancing at him a lot and staring at him a lot. The heart just ruined everything. I-

"Nada? What happened? Where have you zoned out?" Aunt Naaz asked, concerned visible on her face. We were all having breakfast today, together, as it was a Sunday and everybody was present at the table.

"Probably thinking that why she doesn't have a brain." Fahad sniggered beside me.

"Actually you require a brain to think, you, on the other hand, must not be having a brain." I mocked at him trying to feed Alizah who was sitting on my lap throwing everything down. She didn't want to sit on the high chair, she started crying as I made her sit on it. Mood swings I get it!

"Nada yo-"

He was cut of my his mother when she scolded him "Fahad, shh now, how much are you guys gonna quarrel?"

"At least he is doing that Mom, not like previously sitting simply just like an emotionless body." Umèma jumped in narrowing her eyes at him.

"Umèma!" He warned.

"What?" She singed.

After the breakfast, I went to the room to talk to Mira, it's been many days since I talked to my best friend. After I gave Alizah to Fahad to take care of her, who was doing a good job by playing in the garden outside.

"Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you) bestie!" I said once she picked up the call.

"Excuse me? Who's this? I don't talk to strangers." I heard from the other side.

"Hey! Dont be like that Mira!" I whined, walking towards the balcony outside our room.

"I am just kidding Nada Sheikh." She chuckled.

"Why that surname?"

"Because it is yours." She replied in an obvious tone.

"Okay jokes apart I need to tell you something." I said urgently leaning down when I saw Fahad playing with Alizah peekaboo. Awww! That was such an adorable sight to see.

"What? You are in love?" She joked. And that question suddenly made my eyes moved towards Fahad. Shoot! Love? Am I in love? I thought I just liked him. But Mira's question triggered my conception.

That question made me question myself.

Whom am I thinking about these days?


Whose mere presence makes my heart beat?


Whose been constantly on my mind?


Who is that person whom I cannot stop staring at?


Then who is the person I am falling for?


He is the answer to all my questions.

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