36. Stress

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After having breakfast, along with Aunt Naaz and Uméma's teasing, I decided to meet Alizah and Mom. Aunt Naaz went inside her room and Uméma went into the kitchen wanting to make some crepes, I guess even she was bored in the vacation. I had my vacations going on and this was just the start a whole month is left for the university to start again. I might go bonkers because of hypostress.

Even Mira was going on a date today with Rahim. So sweet. And then there's my husband who still gets uneasy and flabbergasted when I just give him a simple hug, not complaining about him though. I love him, however he is. It gives me a relief that I would be the first of everything in his life.

However and whatsoever he is, he is mine.

Well, that's what I think, it's one-sided, he on the other hand is opposite. But opposites attract right? I don't know whether I am convincing myself or being practical about it.

Anyway, let's go and meet AliBaby and Mom. I texted Mom yesterday telling her that I am gonna visit her and Feroza too about my visit.

"Ummi! I am going to meet Alizah. You wanna come? I'll be going to Mom's too." I informed walking inside the kitchen just to get hit with the aroma of chocolate and crepes.

"Really?! You are going to meet Alizah? And Aunt Ayesha is back?! Let's go and meet them. After coming back, we can devour these goodies." She chirped, covering the crepes with a container.

"Sure. They smell so good." I said and Uméma smiled in return.

"I'll just go and inform Mom." Uméma said removing her apron.

"I already did. You just come along." I dragged her with her elbow.

"So how's life going with Fahad?" She questioned once we sat inside the car.

"Eh, as you know I-I love him-"

"Aww, look at you! Resembling a tomato." Uméma remarked leaning towards me making me blush harder

"Am I?" I whispered to myself.

"Yes you are, anyway continue what you were saying." She leaned back in her seat.

"So as I said, I love him, but that stupid brother of yours has a stone in place of a heart. He doesn't even acknowledge me." I complained pulling into the driveway.

"He doesn't not acknowledge you?! You are saying that he doesn't even acknowledge you?! Bro, you are in deep delusion. He looks at you as if you are his whole world." She blabbered hurriedly moving her hands around dramatically.

"Don't say that just to make me feel good." I said in disdain. "Ummi, do you think that I will be able to make him fall for him? Sometimes I think I am capable and sometimes I don't think so. Or worse, what if he's already in love with someone else? No no no!" I started hyperventilating.

"Nada! Nada! Nada!" She tried to calm me down. "You will not make him fall in love-"

"I knew it." I faltered, as my shoulders slouched down.

"Let me complete. He has already fallen for you. Just his thick head hasn't realised things yet. And talking about you. I have seen love in your eyes for my stupid brother. Every time you confess that you love him, the shade of your eyes darkens. Of course your love is that lava who will melt that hard stone which is placed of a heart." She laughed off.

"My, my, Ummi, where did you learn this from?" I asked as I parked my car infront of Feroza's house.

"It comes directly from the heart." She winked at me. "Just waiting for my prince charming to whom I could say all these things in brief."

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