9. Minding His Own Business

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N A D A' S  P O V

Oooff. . . Finally got over with this stupid thing. We have signed the contract and would try to return the money, which we never borrowed, and remain married till that time and later we divorce.

Fine! Calm down Nada it's just matter of few months. Fahad has his own company and even I am not that illiterate for not getting any job. It wil be done. Chill.

But what about our mothers?

Man, just thinking about it gives me fits.

"Let's go." Rahim announced.

"Don't forget your promises, people, I will know everything about you guys. So don't play games. I have poeple all around. Bye now." Junaid opened his good for nothing mouth.

"We would like to ignore your presence." Fahad spoke and all four of us with Alizah exited that house. Junaid is gonna keep track on all four of us also Alizah. Poor Mira and Rahim they also got dragged in this.

When we went outside it was close to getting dark.

"How much time were we inside?" Mira asked.

"God knows. Anyway are you guys fine? Did that stupid Junaid hurt anyone of you?" Fahad inquired me and Mira.

"No. Fahad chill I and Alizah are fine. Even Nada too. Nothing to be worried about." Mira tried to relax him.

Fahad glanced at my direction. His eyes remained there for a few seconds and diverted them again.


"How will we explain this to our mothers?" I asked him.

"Wait. We'll also come. It will help in explaining better." Rahim suggested.

"That's a better idea. Come let's go."

"Wait! Could we just stop by Target and get some food for Alizah? She must be hungry." I said and looked at Alizah who was still sleeping in my arms.

"Yes. Even Nada's car is still there." Mira reminded.

Oh yes. . . How could I forget about that?

"Okay fine let's go there too." Rahim nodded his head.

And we all sat in the car, Rahim and Fahad in the front seats and I and Mira in the back seats.

"Finally! My best friend's married too." Mira squealed beside from me.

"Shut up Mira! You know we are married till we pay him the money slash find Alizah's real parents, if they are not dead already or find someone who actually wants to adopt the baby." I explained her.

"Married for forever or for a few months. I don't care. You are married and that's what matters. And I know it will eventually be forever." She muttered the last sentence to which I decided to ignore.

"What would Mom say? Even the thought is making me want to go and hide somewhere."

"Why are we coming with you guys for? I won't say that she will happily welcome her daughter and son-in-law home but she will later eventually understand the situation."

"What about Aunt Naaz?"

"I have not met her since a month though but that doesn't mean that she would have changes in her attitude." One month? What happened a month ago?

I decided to ask Mira about it.

"What happened a mon-" I was cut off when Rahim announced that we have reached Target.

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