39. Upset

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N A D A' S P O V

Calm down Nada! Calm down. He didn't mean those words.

Even though I chanted those words, I couldn't put them in to application. I hurriedly walked into the elevator not wanting to wait a second here or I might tear his head apart.

I know he doesn't love me but who gave him the right to talk about me like that. Call my love an infatuation. Wait, Mr. Fahad Hammad Sheikh, you think that your words are going to affect me and I will give up on us, then no, you are really wrong. I will prove my love to you.

Shoot, it's already afternoon, half of the day has already passed. I, now, only have tomorrow and today. Come on, Nada! Get your gears tight now.

I sat on one of the chair at the reception on ground floor, waiting for Mira to come down.

A few minutes later, I saw my maniac of a friend exiting out of the elevator waving frantically at me.

"Uh, Nada why are your eyes wet?" Mira asked me looking at my face.

"Nothing, ju-"

"Don't give me your pathetic excuses. Rahim informed me everything when I asked him about reason behind his worry. Why? Why are you letting him walk over you? Where is my brave Nada?!" She shook me by my shoulders.

"I am still brave. If I wasn't brave enough then I wouldn't have confessed my love and be determined about not leaving him. He said all those things because he doesn't love me back or is still flabbergasted about the situation. How can I force him to love me back, Mira? I am gonna prove my love to him that's it. My love isn't so gullible that it will break me down because of his words."

"Wow! How selfless you have become!"

"You mean that I was selfish before, hmm?" I smiled at her.

"That's not what I meant." Her face broke into a smile. "I am worried about you Nada." Her face instantly turned into a worry one.

"Your friend, best friend might I add, is not so light-hearted that she will breakdown so easily. I am determined to make my love story, that too a hit one." I winked at her after sighing dreamily.

"You have already suffer so much in your life. I don't want you to face any more difficulties." She spoke in disdain.

"What is life without difficulties, huh?" I clutch her arm and start walking towards the exit. Talking to her always lightens me up in a good mood. Long were forgotten my tears.

"My little friend has grown up, hmm?"

"Yes, she is married too." I grin at her which in return she laughs at me.

"NADA!" I heard my name shouted. I turned my neck so rapidly that it might give me a neck pain later.

That certain someone who shouted my name out was Fahad, my husband.

"Nada, uh, umm." He jogged towards us and stood in front me and Mira.

My face instantly broke into a smile. Damn, I am really doomed in love, aint I?

"Uh- actually, uh-"

"What uhs and umms? I feel like burying you alive here, right now!" Mira spoke furiously at him.

"Mira-" Fahad started when Mira cut him off.

"No! Don't even try to justify yourself. Rahim has told me everything. How much more are you going to make my best friend suffer?" Mira continued shouting at him.

"Baby, let the husband and wife handle their own matter." Rahim out of nowhere spoke, trying to calm her down. Keyword: trying. When did he come though? Or was I too engrossed on focusing just on Fahad?

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