28. What Happened To Her?

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N A D A' S P O V

"Nada?! What happened? Why are you crying?" Fahad asked me hysterically.

"Fahad, Alizah...sh-she." I couldn't say the words further. Whatever I spoke was also a mere whisper.

"Alizah?! What about her?" He again asked.

"Sh-she is not re-resp-ponding to any-anything." I stammered.

"What? Where is she?" He asked out of worry.

"Come." I said softly and he followed me to the room across his.

"I have been constantly shaking her, I literally patted her cheeks too but she isn't responding, Fahad." The tears were flowing down my cheeks, continuously.

"Alizah! Alizah baby!" He shook her body but she didn't respond only her eyes were open and her breathing was normal.

"Fahad I am so scared. What happened to her? It was time for her to drink milk like every night so I thought to feed her but there I saw she was still at her place." I explained.

"Let's go to the doctor rightnow! Come." He turned with Alizah in her hands and I also pulled over my long overcoat and took Alizah's coat too.

I took Aliza's bagpack which had her necessities, my phone and went to Fahad's room to take his hoodie lying on the couch too. It's really cold here.

"Come Nada!" I heard Fahad whisper-yelled.

"Did you take your car keys?" I asked him making Alizah wear her coat.

"Yes. When you were packing things for her."

"Let's go." I said as my voice cracked at Alizah's condition.

Fahad wore his hoodie and went to the driver's seat as I sat on the passenger seat with Alizah in my hands.

"Alizah baby. Please respond. Cry or whine but do something!!" I said shaking her but all she did was breath and closed her eyelids halfway.

"Nada...she will be fine. I am driving to the hospital rightnow." Fahad spoke trying to calm me down.

Ya Allah please let Alizah be safe.

"We need to meet the pediatrician rightnow! It's an emergency!" Fahad hollered at the receptionist.

She hurriedly took us to the pediatrician.

"Doctor Saleha. There's an emergency." The receptionists said to the doctor.

"Oh! Send them in then." I heard the doctor say.

"Asalamwalaikum (Peace be upon you) Doctor." I greeted as soon as I entered.

"Walaikumasalam (Peace be upon you too). What's the emergency?" The doctor asked.

"Ma'am this our daughter, Alizah, she hasn't been responding to anything. We tickled her, lightly slapped her cheeks, shook her but she is not doing anything. Just breathing and her eyes are almost close." Fahad explained.

"Hold her for me please." She said.

I went near her and held Alizah in front of the doctor.

She checked Alizah's eyes and noted something down.

"Nothing to worry about, Mr and Mrs...-

"Sheikh." I and Fahad said together.

"Yes. Mr and Mrs. Sheikh. . . She will be fine. She was having fits. I'll add saline through the IV drip then you can take her home." She informed us.

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