27. Believe

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F A H A D' S  P O V

This girl and her clumsiness!

As soon as I opened the door, something forcefully rushed in.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's my beloved wife. I have become so sarcastic nowadays.

I steadied her by holding her. She looked really embarrassed as if she was caught cheating in exam and Alizah was squeezed between us. My babygirl, Alizah.

"I knew you didn't know how to talk but you don't know how to walk too? Pathetic." I commented.

"Look who is talking. Calling me pathetic? Before advising other people just take a look at yourself. Pathetic." She mimicked my voice at the end and detached herself from me to sit on the couch.

I cleared my throat. "Who gave you the permission to enter my office?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"No one." She smiled, keeping aside the bags she carried.

"See Alizah baby we are now with your Daddy." She said to Alizah who was with her. Alizah was stretching her hands towards me. She missed me.

I went near Aliza and carried her in my hands.

"Since morning she has been missing you, crying for you. But you! You have no time for her!" Nada scolded. Please someone put tape around her mouth.

"I did come yesterday night to play with her but she started crying." I tried to excuse. I looked at Alizah who was smiling at me and clapping her hands out of joy.

"Who can not cry after seeing you? Even a normal person would get frightened just by looking at your face. I don't know about myself that how I handle you. God! I am awesome." Nada said in a teasing voice. Ofcourse she had to tanut or else she will die without insulting me.

"Alizah, people are becoming so stupid nowadays. Talking nonsense. I pity to those students to whom you used teach. Poor kids."

"SHUT UP FAHAD!!" She shouted at me which eventually caused me to chuckle.

"I gotta leave now. Give Alizah andhavethelunch." She blabbered and swiftly took Alizah from me.

"What did you say at the last?"

"Your lunch is here. Have it." She picked up Alizah and Alizah's bag leaving the lunch box behind.

"Lunch for me? You made me lunch to the person whom you despise?" I asked her bewildered.

"Yes. It's just a simple sorry. I really didn't mean to hit you with the salt sprinkler." She spoke and rushed out of my office before I could say anything. Not forgetting to take Alizah along with her, who had been wailing to be with me. I was in shock for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what she said.

Lunch for me? Strange.

I opened the box to see Yakhni Pulao in there. Hmm...smells good.

After finishing my lunch, I continued working but still couldn't wrap the fact that Nada, The Nada who hates me had made lunch for me. That too it wasn't poisoned. But I would not like to accept that the Pulao was very tasty.

It was later, time to leave when I realized that I didn't meet Ibrahim I mean Rahim today. We talk everyday but today we didn't. Let's meet the best friend.

I reached his office and opened the door. Well, who knocks your best friends door?

"Yes baby, I am leaving. I'll reach soon until then just dream about me." I heard Rahim talking on phone to maybe Mira. Love. They are in love. I hope it lasts forever in between them.

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