10. Again The Explanation

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F A H A D' S  P O V

"What am I supposed to say Mira? That her only daughter got married because of some problems and will get divorce soon? She won't take it well. She has a lot of faith in marriages. I don't know how will she handle it when I tell her that I will be getting a divorce soon. I know that for once she will be happy that I got married and according to her Fahad is good." Never leaves a chance to insult me. Nada rambled on to Mira, helplessly. I know that eavesdropping is wrong but what can I do when she is literally shouting from the back seat.

[A/N: This is not a force marriage. Fahad had a say. He could have denied easily or find some other way by calling the police but at that moment he agreed to save Alizah.]

But I did feel bad for her. But what could I do. It wasn't even in my hands. I looked where the marriage certificate and the contract was kept. Man! Am I really married? To this creature?

"But if I tell her about the divorce. She will get sad. She will get devastated. You know her Mira, don't you?" And she continued her rambling. I pity Mira sometimes cause such a maniac friend she has got.

"Yes Nada. I know, but we cannot hide it from her. Because if she comes to know later she will be more hurt than if you tell her today." Mira tried to explain.

"Don't you think it would be better if we tell everyone together?" Rahim asked from beside me.

"Yes that's good." Mira agreed.

"Ya. I'll call my Mom to come at Fahad's house in five minutes." Nada nodded and called her Mom asking her to reach at my house as soon as possible.

"And you mister angry bird, call your Mom telling that my Mom will come at yours soon and expect all of us too." She informed glaring at me.

"Whom are you ordering?" I barked, turning a little back.

"Dude, you will get us killed. Look in front anyway you got whole lives to fight with each other." Rahim commented and I glared at him.

I quickly texted my Mom about Aunt Ayesha coming home with one hand on the steering wheel and the other one was texting.

"Tell her to shut up or else get out of my car at instant." I bellowed.

"How could you be so rude? I also don't fancy sitting in a cheapster's car." She piped in holding onto the car's handle and that's when I stopped the car.

"Get out."


"I am telling you to get out because we have already reached, dufoos." I taunted and her expression was priceless, so embarrassed.

"Lol." Mira commented and Rahim just shook his head.

We all got up from our seats and stood in front of my house with Alizah too, who talking or murmuring something in gibberish way.

"Ya Allah please save me." Nada whispered to herself as I rang the bell.

"Ya Allah please let her die." I too whispered, mocking her.

Before she could reply me the door opened.

"Faddy where were you? You always come home from the office by this time." Mom exclaimed as I saw Uméma giggling to herself. I know why she giggled. She always giggles when mom calls me Faddy.

"Huh! Faddy?" I heard Nada snickered beside me, whom I glared.

"Nada?! Where were you?! You told me that you were going to meet Alizah." Aunt Ayesha came in to the picture.

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