22. The Family Dinner

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N A D A' S P O V

Why do people tease me whenever they see me?

The hall was crowded with people and I was going to meet Rahim and Mira's family when I bumped in to some random guy.

"I am sorry." He looked up.

"Uh...it's okay." I said in a hurry and was going to move forward when he again started.

"No I am sorry please forgive me. Actually I would like to treat you as an apology and celebration too. Like a date." He started and winked. Freaking winked.

Is he freaking kidding me?!

"Are you insane you stupid? I AM MARRIED BACK OFF ALREADY!" I shouted at him. And he looked flabbergasted. Idiot!

"Oh bad luck then. Sorry."

"Next time just check whether the girl is taken or not before you start your low class flirting." I don't why I was angry at him but I was. Maybe I was married already and he flirted. But no I have never liked the boys who flirted, it's just haraam [forbidden].

"Excuse me." He spoke up.

"What?" I growled turning towards him.

"Ummm...those eyes...are they really yours or lenses." He asked. He did a mistake by asking me this question.

"No. Those are her real eyes. Now get lost." I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Oh so husband has come I guess I should go now. I really hoped that you were single." He rushed back before I could say anything.

"Why are you standing here?" Fahad came up from behind me and asked.

"I was on my way to meet Rahim and Mira's family when this wretch boy came up and started talking nonsense." I explained to him. Nincompoops loitering around.

"You should have called someone else or would have ignored him."

"I di-"

"Anyway let's go everybody is searching for you." He didn't even give me a chance to explain and dragged me.

He didn't even listen to me!

Now we were sitting in some five star restaurant. Our families asked me and Mira to suggest which restaurant we should go as it was our occasion today. Mira suggested this restaurant and I agreed, hence we are here.

Alizah is still crying because she is a quite terrified because of the rush or seeing so many strange faces because there were Mira and Rahim's parents whom she hasn't seen before. And this restaurant doesn't have a high chair! Like whaaaaaaat? Five stars for what?

Sitting on my left was Mira who was sitting beside Rahim, ofcourse, and on my right was Fahad with whom I, unfortunately, had to sit. And on my lap was Alizah who is becoming so impatient. Why hasn't she slept yet? Everyday, she sleeps by this time.

Once I had put the pacifier in her mouth she was quiet and stared at others who were all busy in their talks.

"You liar." I whispered to Fahad who was busy texting his mails to God knows who.

"Why are you calling me a liar?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Because you are one."

"And why am I one?" He asked tilting a little bit towards me.

"Because you lied to me that you won't come but you did." I stated, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Umm...I came only because...uh...Alizah was crying." He started making an excuse.

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