3. Quarrels

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F A H A D' S  P OV

"Stop stepping so hard on the ground, you idiot, Alizah might wake up!" Nada said angrily. Of course she had to pipe in.

"Whenever Alizah would wake up, she will wake up only because of your negative vibes which are transmitting from you!" I remarked.

"Please stop including Physics! I already hate it! Don't make me hate it more." She complained. Here come the drama queen. 

"Is there anything in this world is that you don't hate?" I asked with my raised eyebrows.

"All the things in this world are loved by me. Except you and physics, right Alizah?" She dictated and looked at Alizah at the end.

How dumb can she be? Asking a six-month old.

"Then how come you and Almira are in the same college if you are not in Science field?" I questioned her.

"Why can't a college have Humanities and Science together? I had taken Humanities to become an English professor which will happen soon as our graduation is right in the corner. Yayyy!" She squealed. Oof my poor ears.

This girl! My luck is too bad, why did she had to be my neighbour? Already she was Mira's friend and before I had tolerated her enough.

"I am not writing a biography so please keep this extra information with you."

"Who said I was talking to you?" From where does she get this kind of comebacks? They're too dumb.

"Anyway Please take Alizah from me. My hand is kinda aching." She huffed out.

"What? Start eating some proteins. Such low stamina!" I tattled and took Alizah from her hands.

"What? I am healthy however I am." She gasped and stepped on my foot.

"You stupid woman!" I hissed in pain.

"Hey be careful or else you will make Alizah fall. And what happen such low stamina that you are howling in pain just because I stepped on your foot." She fake gasped and feign fake innocence.

"I am not hissing because you stepped on my foot but because you stepped on my foot along with your deadly six inch heels." I gritted my teeth at her while Alizah was scratching my beard which had started growing lightly.

"Oh did they come in between? I seriously didn't mean to step with them." She looked down at it and smirked. Sadist.

"I know what you wanted to do. Now the war is on." I looked at her daringly.

"Then let's see." She confined without breaking the eye contact.

And we continued to glare at each other until Alizah decided that we have glared each other enough so she decided to punch me with her tiny little fist. And this devil incarnation decided to laught out loud. Nada.

"See even she doesn't like you." She snickered.

"Nada you do realise that it's ten minutes to two o' clock right now and you informed your mom that you will reach by two o'clock and we have a lot of explaination to do?"

"Oh My God!? How can I forget that? Let's go home! Mom will start getting worried. Let's go!" She hurried and started running away.

After q few minutes we finally reached at her house.

"Come on. Now be a good boy and ring the door bell." Nada urged me.

"No. It's your house. Your mom. Then initially it's your doorbell too so you ring it also I have Alizah in my hands." I tried to reason out.

"Please." She pleaded and I swiftly ignored her. Give me a break please. 

Seconds passed. Which turned into a minute.

"Fine." We both said in unison and pressed the bell together.

This happened so quick that I didn't even get to withdraw my finger back.

I looked at her who was already looking at me.

The door swinged open and Nada was hugged by a very worried Aunt Ayesha.

"My God! Where were you my dear? And you have got a baby and husband too?" She rambled.

Did I hear it correct?

"Mom? No! You forgot him? He is Fahad. And the baby's name is Alizah." Nada explained. And finally Aunt looked at me.

"Asalamwalaikum Aunt Ayesha." I greeted her.

"Oh! Walaikumasalam dear! How are you? And how is your mom? I didn't meet her since a month." She asked. Yes, my mother didn't get out of the house since a month because of him. That's why Rahim also kept his receptions this late because he wanted me to forget all of those things and get over with it and attend his reception. So thoughtful of him.

"Uh. . . No Aunt actually we are taking you with us. To let you meet her, right Nada?" I said and looked at Nada to say something.

"Uh..um..ye-yeah...Mom." Why did she stutter? Stupid girl!

"Huh? At this hour? Naaz must be sleeping." Aunt Ayesha said confusedly.

"No Mumma how can a mother sleep when her son has not return home yet. Hmm?" Nada explained to her Mom. 

At this time Alizah started crying. She was sleeping by this time but now she woke up I guess.

"Awww. . . My baby girl has woke up? Come to Mommy sweetie pie." Nada coeed and took Alizah from my hands.

"Nada! Is she yours? Huh? Don't tell me that it's your both. Because she has your eyes and his hair colour." Aunt exclaimed in horror and I facepalmed myself.

"Eww.... Mom no she is not mine. Not his too. I will never do such things." She spoke with a disgusted face. Feelings are mutual.

"What? You will never have babies? I will die without seeing my grandchildren." Aunt Ayesha gasped.

No wonder why Nada is dramatic. I can see where did it pass on from.

"Ugh. . . Mom I mean I will not maintain or keep any illegitimate relationships." Nada tried to reason out.

"Then whose is she?" Aunt asked.

"For all your answers come with us please." I interrupted them.

"Yes Mom. Please come." Nada pressed.

"But where and why?" Aunt asked confusedly.

"You trust us right? Then please come." Nada dragged her out.

"Wait! Let me take the keys and lock the door." Aunt said and went inside.

"Ooff...what's gonna happen now Allah?" I wondered.

Asalamwalaikum and hello people!!
We got to know a tiny bit of Fahad's PoV and his past. So lets see what happens next. If any queries are there then you can freely ask me in the comments and don't forget to vote. Until then thank you, AllahHafiz, bye and take care ^_^

Also, do share what was your favorite part of the chapter.


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