34. Confession

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N A D A' S P O V

Will everything be over now? I will have to get back to my normal life? Where me and my Mom recalled and missed my Dad every second? All these situations made me escape from the reality, but it was short lived. I knew this, I knew it wasn't going to last forever but still I had hoped that it would. Such a day-dreamer I am. The worst part is that I did something I shouldn't have.

I fell in love. Which is gonna make things more difficult. I remember Fahad saying that love makes things difficult than already it is but I always thought he was wrong, now I am afraid that what he said is true. God I am so messed up.

"Nada, why are you overthinking? Talk to me please." I heard Mira plead. It was later, when my source of happiness, Alizah, went with her parents, real might I add, and now Mira and I were in Fahad's room and the rest were downstairs.

"Mira! Why is life so difficult?" I asked as more tears slid down my face.

"No Nada, life isn't difficult it is you who makes it difficult." Mira spoke. She was always the practical one and I was kinda the fantasy one.

"No Mira! First my Dad went away at such a small age, then my Mom is always sad I know she never tells me or let me know about, however, I am not a baby who doesn't understand her unshed tears and now I can't even afford love now. I am not self-pitying, but you know everything about me Mira, don't you?" I rambled.

"Nada! My best friend." She hugged me. "You are much more than what you're thinking. You are one of the most important person in my life. I don't know if you weren't there for me, I wouldn't have been happily married now. You know that you were the one who made me realise that I was in love with Rahim. I know everything about you. It's all Qadr (fate). Allah has planned everything for us. Have Sabr (patience). Remember patience will break you, wreck you, make you want to scream out loud, make you want to leave everything but for Allah's love, keep going, keep trying because He promised that He loves and is with ones who are patient. He promised." Mira tried to calm me down, make me understand things.

"I know Mira, I have my all trust in Allah but I just want the strength to go through this."

"It's Allah's will, just pray to him- it's his plan and he will help you to make you through this situation easily."

"You were always the intellectual one." I smiled at her.

"Hey! Look whose talking like a professor she is." She teased.

"Oh? And what about you? Ms Marine Biologist?" I said and hugged her.

"Thank you Mira for being my support system. I am very lucky to have you." I babbled as hot tears rushed with a rapid speed and travelled down my face.

"Oh Nada! What are best friends for?" She whispered pulling me back to look at her face.

"Mira, what am I supposed to do now? I love Fahad, but does he love me back?"

"You know what? You were in love a long time ago, maybe a few days after you both got married, you just realised it today."

"That isn't helping me now. And wait was I that obvious?" I am dumb. Fahad was right about it. You see, how everything I think is related to him.

"Yes and I am glad that you have accepted the reality and your feelings rather than being in denial and destroying two lives at a time."

"Mira, it's only me who has fallen in love, not him." I said in disdain.

"Who told you that?" Mira questioned and my head snapped in her direction.

"What do you mean? That guy won't even look at me. If I will stumble in front of him, he will not even bother to spare his high priced time to save me from falling." I tried to control my emotions.

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